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RJ Trotts

04/18/07 3:21 PM

#6320 RE: Rasica #6319

I agree with you...I have several I am waiting to dump, so I can purchase more dinar! RJ
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RJ Trotts

04/18/07 3:38 PM

#6324 RE: Rasica #6319


Chevron are pouring hundreds of thousands (maybe Millions) into sponsoring a CONFIRMED Oil/Gas summit in Amman at the end of May. Documents, leaflets, etc., tickets, invites, etc. have probably already been produced. MOST IMPORTANTLY: FULL DETAILS OF THE HCL IS ON THE SUMMIT ITINERARY!!!

1 to 2 months, huh? The Iraqis are gonna look pretty damn stupid if they haven't got any firm details to present to potential Oil and Gas companies. If anybody has read the Articles, it is the lack of detail or 'permanence' of the current Drafts that are making some of the large Oil firms from proceeding with Negotiations NOW. What's it going to be like if the Iraqis turn up at this summit, try to gain the interest of potential investors in the Oil and Gas industry only to turn and say: "We'd like your Investment, but we can't tell you what sort of Contract you'll have with is"!?? I'd say there will be a few annoyed Companies who turned up for NOTHING!...

Also, the signing of the ICI is coming up, this was confirmed in a Press Statement ( and I'm pretty sure 100 Countries are NOT going to commit their resources (Political, Logistical and Economical) into a Country that has NO plan and I'm also pretty confident that ENOUGH of the HCL must have been confirmed to these Countries to agree to proceed with a FIVE YEAR COMMITMENT...

Plus the Article IV Letters of Intent indicates a large change regarding Currency/Exchange coming soon or they would continue as they are (and as Vietnam did for several years with the 'Dong') by Auctioning their currency and adjusting rates at their OWN pace...

2 Months? Not if they want to retain the support and interest of the International Community/Potential Investors. 1 Month? Possibly because that will have it done in time for this conference...
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04/18/07 7:53 PM

#6340 RE: Rasica #6319

Im waiting on a couple stocks as well. But even worse, a CD. I got bored and picked up a CD a couple months back. It was stupid, and the Bank Teller had the balls to look at me and say, "Just look at that return you will get back on it" I almost got sick on the desk. Never go to the bank when your bored or dont know what to do with a few bucks that are sitting arround.

So, I wait till May 1st give or take a day or two to do larger buy's than the two week wait I've been doing.

So hold off till after then, DINAR, and DONG.
