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12/03/03 6:35 PM

#53387 RE: Cassandra #53385

Braxton told me that he NEVER gave and "expected" delivery date and never guessed when units would be in the stores. He said the delivery and stock information was not available to him. He admitted he was an order taker - nothing more and nothing less-he offered to "sell" me a unit to be delivered when avaiable (I would be notified) or one of the "older" units that were in stock and ready for delivery.
Honesty is and remains the best policy!
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12/03/03 6:35 PM

#53388 RE: Cassandra #53385

Cassie, I dont think the sales people have been educated about the dmp x 20. I dont think gateway took the player that seriously judging by what we are seeing now and It may prove to be a big mistake on their part. Imo the player will eventually be sold mostly through bundling deals. I wonder also if gateway has any prior experience with the oem.
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12/03/03 6:59 PM

#53392 RE: Cassandra #53385

"Daboss" also fell for the ruse that the DMP-X20 was in stock at his local Gateway store. He confirmed that the store sales people don't seem to know anything about the product.

03 Dec 2003, 12:22 PM EST
Msg. 1165419 of 1165480
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DMP-X20 is in my local Gateway store now with a live demo available, per my phone call to the store clerk.


03 Dec 2003, 06:17 PM EST
Msg. 1165467 of 1165479
(This msg. is a reply to 1165419 by DABOSS.)
Jump to msg. #
DMP-20X Update at my local Gateway...

Well, lol, when I asked over the phone if the new MP3 player was in stock yet, the clerk said hold on, checked, came back and said it was in and it can be demoed.

So I drive down there to buy one(after I check it out for evidence of e.Digital inside, of course) with plans to report back to Ediggers of all persuasions. They have a nice poster with a picture of it in the window. I won't discuss where on the poster the picture appeared for fear of stirring the resident loser to tears which would only generate an endless array of distorted accusations. The clerk takes me to see it only to show me the "old" mp3 players. He was basically clueless and had to go into the back to get more info. I then took them all to the new poster, pointed out the player, of which they pretended to have a vague recollection of and my mission was over.

Sorry guys. Apparently Gateway hasn't had their orientation yet for this new product. Lunch was delicious however, despite my temporary set back.

They assured me it would be in any day. I felt very

I won't give up ! lol.

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12/03/03 10:28 PM

#53417 RE: Cassandra #53385

Don't get me wrong, but it's kinda like you...It seems that some of the store sales people will say anything ..........