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04/07/07 11:09 PM

#58883 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

Bravo :)


04/07/07 11:16 PM

#58884 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

What a GREAT post! I don't know where you've been hiding, but feel free to post more often! LOL


04/07/07 11:21 PM

#58886 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

i think thats the most info i have ever seen anyone post here. thats amazing stuff, good stuff for newcomers to read to get um up to par with PNMS


04/07/07 11:23 PM

#58887 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881


By far the post of the day.



04/07/07 11:36 PM

#58895 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

E.G. is that you?


04/08/07 12:03 AM

#58898 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

Wow, this post made my WE so beautiful you cant even imagine... I probably only new half of that stuff... Cheez... How long did it take you to come up with all this info???? And I thought that I was "well educated" in PNMS terms..... WOW!!!!!!!!!! I thing now the bashers are crying!!!! Nothing more to say huh? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


04/08/07 12:13 AM

#58900 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

This should be in the I BOX for sure


04/08/07 12:17 AM

#58901 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

I just read it again it darn near gave me chills almost started crying WOW ..Thats something you see on the Bloomberg News Channel


04/08/07 12:47 AM

#58903 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

Don't sound too Distracted to me. lol Best factual, point for point, post I have ever read on IHUB. Certainly appreciate your time and effort in providing all the backround data. Thank you!


04/08/07 12:51 AM

#58905 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

Kudos for the amazingly thorough and well-organized summary of the company! Definitely best DD post I've ever seen on IHUB. Thanks for the time and effort.

mike r r

04/08/07 2:29 AM

#58914 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

Man that was some post!! Talk about the big picture!!!
Also, I throughly enjoyed your tone while describing the situation chronologicaly. Very laid back. Unlike all the bashers and doubters. They on the other hand seem manic in their attempts to convince others of their points of view. Whereas you do not give a point of view, but rather a synopsis of facts. Thanks for the work .


04/08/07 6:48 AM

#58921 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

To Distracted Scientist !!!!

Thanks very much for one of the best posts on this board EVER!!!!!
You have done your DD and homework very well and I can only compliment you on this and say that I have truly respect for it!!
Good luck to you and to the whole new ball game!!

PNMS will be the stock of the YEAR AND BEYOND!!


04/08/07 6:49 AM

#58922 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

'Distracted'S' ...I do not believe there was ever 'any' confirmation as to what the Willis Harding connection was pertaining too.. other than it was a note of some unknown and undetermined issue between then..SC


04/08/07 8:05 AM

#58928 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

Distracted Scientest,
I also would like to say absolute great post. Thanks for all that DD. Thuroughly enjoyed reading it. It is this kind of post that shows some on the board do still have some sense. Again THANKS!!


04/08/07 9:17 AM

#58934 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

Well written and it certainly makes the entire picture more clearer.



04/08/07 12:41 PM

#58956 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

HAHA...fantastic! Any further question ezzo?


04/08/07 12:59 PM

#58957 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

It is evident that many people find this summation most excellent. Myself included. I appreciate your efforts!

I do find objection to your claim "Regardless of the arguments against the company, they have over $100mm in the bank and that has been certified to be true by the Panamanian government (the documents are available on the Panamersa website)."

This is incorrect. The government has provided no such certification.

I am not here to bash, or in away way, attempting to belittle your summation. I am merely pointing out an inaccuracy that you may not be aware of.


04/08/07 3:28 PM

#58985 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

WOW - Extremely well organized post - You sir, are well read on the subject of Panamersa. Kudos! Glad to see that CIID added your post to the I-box. Well deserved!


04/09/07 12:03 PM

#59302 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

Could you please post this again so those who missed it get a chance to read it. It was extremely informative and helpful and many would benefit from it. If you have not read Scientist post I would strongly recommend you do. Thanks.


04/29/07 3:48 PM

#62971 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881

All PNMS investors and all those considering investing would be well served to read post #58881 by Distracted Scientist and to membermark this member. Distracted Scientist has done a great deal of research on Panamersa's history and is completely current through April 7th. Distracted Scientist's posts are due a second reading in my opinion. This company is cutting edge, under extrem accumulation, and ready to explode.


06/27/07 6:57 PM

#75659 RE: Distracted Scientist #58881