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12/03/03 12:09 AM

#14906 RE: gotinearly #14905

I don't dispute that there should be some value in the people they brought on board. I guess I just question the need for so many BOD members for a company this size. I agree that proven skills in business, sales, marketing, etc. can transfer to any of a number of product lines, which is why I wasn't overly concerned when GB came over from JCP. Besides, it was painfully obvious that Rich was over his head so anyone would have seemed like a welcome improvement at that time. In that sense, however, I'd think GB would surround himself with people whose experience and expertise are closer to that of the SEVU product line.

Maybe I've just reached a point at which I'm tired of promises with no results, and it may have obscured my objectivity, but my immediate thought when I read todays PR was that they appear to be dangling yet another carrot to keep investors hanging on a little longer. I perceive it as yet another attempt to distract us from reality. I'm not buying it.


12/03/03 6:10 PM

#14908 RE: gotinearly #14905

got in think about this.

they cant sell what they have and GB is going to a stock picker and saying the "NEW" digital cameras are as advertised.

give us a break will ya.

those BOD members i promise u got millions of your shares at about .10 cents a piece.

they are payin themselves with any rev produced by tv sales. tyman hasnt done anything that has moved the bottom line and calandras herd of fools are all bailing.

or havent u noticed the trend?

it seems that more and more folks are realizing that a company selling stock isnt what up, hence the falling PPS.

heres a great article.

RealCommentary from
Once Again, Don't Believe the Hype
Monday December 1, 11:56 am ET

By Alan Farley, Special to

Hype and nonsense are back in style on Wall Street. Actually, most of it has recently been emanating from Main Street, where chat-room and stock-board aficionados are pumping low-float plays to the trading masses, hoping their mangy dogs will bark for a few days.

For example, voice-over-Internet protocol, or VOIP, stocks exploded last week in a tulip-inspired mania. Hound after hound, these issues took off for the stratosphere, with superdog 8x8 Inc. (NasdaqNM:EGHT - News) trading its entire 25-million-share float for two sessions in a row. The move's origins came from chat rooms to stock boards to the normally sedate Wall Street Journal, of all places.

dont fall for the same thing twice Got In......
becasue the same thing is happening again.

until they prove me wrong.....

have u got that letter? why am i the only one they care about?

DEc 3. u still believe in Santa Claus? right now hes as real as SEVU.

its been well over 100days since the 60 to 90 day announced PR was put out giving the company the deal that would put them up for the Q.

If they have done it without letting shareholders know then who needs enemies?

im selling in the am if they dont announce anything. if by some miracle they do ill glady sufer a few cents rise vs the more than potential .20 cent loss.

dont ride it to the bottom again bro.

Rb i shoulda listened to ya at .50 and Lord i cant beleive i was out of town when it saw .70