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04/05/07 1:02 PM

#1202 RE: gatorpuss #1201

Gatorpuss: Hey Einstein, the 10dma is just about to cross the 20dma and just around the corner the 50dma is getting ready to cross the 200dma and I'm sure you know why that's called the golden cross. The MACD is so f#$%ing positive it's a joke. You are right about one thing and that is the bollies are tightening but once again your sense of direction is twisted. IMO there's only one way this pps is destined for and that is higher.


04/05/07 1:36 PM

#1203 RE: gatorpuss #1201

Hey we know that and I feel for you being down loot if you are.As well as we know that this is a otc trading near subbieland with some verified factual things going for them.Sure its chitty its sitting down here but like I said keeping the big otc picture in perspective TRNP and NXNO have ALOT more going for them now than most can say.I mean again I will state the 75% interest in NXNO.What do you think will happen to TRNPs bottom line if Nexus makes it big?Its VERY possible.Also the radio show is growing and gaining listeners.Also company is not sitting on their butts doing nothing and IF they are smart yes they will step up and make some solid moves for the commoners.But needless to say reality is anyone here now knows the plusses and minuses and just because some are willing to take that risk and are fine with it dont mean you ahve to call them cheerleaders or whatever thats just have brought too much negativity towards this board if you sooo mad at the company and what they doing VOICE IT TO THEM NOT US CUZ we already know what the deal is and we can cope and hope.Now maybe you will realize that some put up with your negative types on these boards but I will not.Like I said sure a board HAS to be 2 sided but not when certain individuals try and ruin it for other longs and anyone else that constantly has to see someone whining and spewing negative posts all the time.If you down loot sure I feel for ya and sure one is only going to be mad most of the time.But like I said take it up with the company NOT this board.Now im done take it fwiw and know that yes credibility is a BIG deal on these boards for anyone to actually take into consideration what a certain poster says.Now history and actions speak volumes and as for me and others that have been on these boards for sometime,we dont have to prove anything to anyone especially people like you let alone even go out of our way to try and help your types.Im not posting this for my health nor do I have a big interest in TRNP other than their NXNO ties.But I will say as a PAYING ihub member that I will not let ANY negativity loom on ANY of my boards I participate on or in.WE like to stay focused and think positive.Dwelling into the negative realm only brings more problems than its worth.Trust me been there.As for what happens to TRNP hey we all have a right to be POd IF things ever really hit the fan and this tanked to near 0.Same goes for if its moving north we have a right to be happy.So I do feel for those down in any stock but hey thats reality and life of the otcs and if one cant make their owning timing issues work thats their deal and soemthing they should work on.Anyways ive put enough into this subject and you seem to bounce around anything factual besides some nbegative aspects.Nothing on the positive aspects which were noted many times.So balls in your court either play by the MAJORITIES rules and go whine to the company and not us or continue to do what you do and we will make sure it wont continue on your part.Time to change or ship out.Good day.DF