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04/03/07 4:56 AM

#35283 RE: righty #35266

Righty, I feel the concerns you sent me via PM are much more tangible than the ones in your public post. I will leave it up to you to post the PM thoughts publically.

In ref to the public post:

1) As posted before, my idea hinges on Dalian being real and signed. If no Dalian, there is no value in either EQBM or Soma, the SEC suspension is validated, Larry might face prison time on fraud, and we can all kiss our investments goodbye, whether we have Soma divis or not.

To be clear, No Dalian, No Reverse-Merger.

That said, if Dalian real and signed, then the SEC concern over false PRs is refuted, and at least Soma will have revenues. If the SEC continues to hassle EQBM, they will need to clearly state why or I will personally shove FOIA so far up their ass they'll smell it for the rest of their lives. For clarity, I am not naive about blunt power of the SEC. But at some point, unless they can claim Larry is an "enemy combatant," they need to state their charges clearly in print, or be forced to explain them under oath in court.

2) If DAK is unwilling to include EQBM in the deal (speculation), due to suspension, then what is Larry going to do to get EQBM a share of the pie? Walk away, leaving the money on the table, to focus on the next big thing (eg: Somalialand) while still having no revenues and no track record of signing anything tangible?

Logic suggests he would sign the deal with Soma, just to get it done and not risk losing the revenues.

Disgruntled investors (eg: Strongus) might file suit, but one could hope they would see to potentially greater gain from a reverse-merger bail-out versus risking losing DAK entirely due to demands the Chinese simply won't accept.

Again, from the Chinese perspective, would you want shares in suspended, gray EQBM as payment for a stake in your established mining business? Probably not, eh?

3) re: EQBM not having revenues, so shorts can tank it. imo, That's exactly what's been happening for the last 12 months, so nothing new there. fwiw, I completely agree that an EQBM without revenue is a bad plan. But if there's no way to include gray EQBM in Dalian contract, the merger may be the only way to get any value back into EQBM. Period.

4) I definitely agree that getting back to the pinks may not be the panacea people hope it to be, especially if DAK balks on EQBM partnership.

All that said, the other issues you raised by PM seem far more weighty.


04/03/07 9:04 AM

#35288 RE: righty #35266

YOUR IDEA ABOUT A WRONG PR OR MISLEADING PR MAKES SENSE...remember we all thought that eqbm had acquired a nasdaq company(company with the same name),well maybe the SEC thinks that too...