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03/28/07 12:40 PM

#6733 RE: wbmw #6731

Wbmw, tapeout of K10 was halfway through Aug '06 (not Sept):

Also AMD has a NEW mobile cpu + platform in the pipeline. It was mentioned in last falls tech day slides that also included a die photo with explanation of K10. FAFAIK it's scheduled around the same time as the DC version of K10. Educated guesses have circulated that it might well lack the added 128b SSE functionality but have all other K10 benefits. Q2 '08 is two quarters later than I'm expecting it currently.




03/28/07 12:47 PM

#6734 RE: wbmw #6731

wbmw, first you quote me, then you argue with yourself. I never said it wouldn´t be close, 2H07 only has two quarters, after all.

Elmer Phud

03/28/07 12:53 PM

#6737 RE: wbmw #6731

But still, I think it's appropriate to treat AMD's schedule guidance with a grain of salt.

That's an understatement! Quite frankly, AMD hasn't published an accurate schedule in recent memory. Their Analyst's meetings are a farce and nobody believes anything they say anymore, except for the SI board. Barcelona was originally a Q2 release, then mid year, now late summer and who knows when the next slip will be. Their 65nm process was originally due mid'05 and only appeared in a trickle in Q1'07. I can't believe anybody with functioning brain cells gives their schedules are credibility whatsoever.