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03/25/07 3:56 PM

#21859 RE: spacetalia #21858

Given that we've had companies on and then grilled them quite hard (I think Clarence Karney of PDSC would prefer never to see me again), calling us a stock promotion site is a woeful miscategorization.

The news side - which I am on - writes what is ethically demanded of us. If the company is good, and has a legitimate product, we write that. If the company is a POS, we write that, only more eloquently.

I don't do PR, and I don't do IR. I put too much time into my career - as did the rest of my journalist colleagues - to do that. If you actually watched, read, or even visited the company, you'd know that.

It's actually an insult to my work - which I take great pride in - to parse it down so simply. I don't know what you do for a living, but I wager to say that if you went to college, and spent a large portion of your life building a career, you'd resent someone belittling it, especially when they've not even bothered to actually check it out, and are basing their opinion of you and your work on their dealings with someone that person works for. Compound the insult by the fact that the someone is basing that on a completely different business than the one you work for.

Like I told you, I will write the story, and examine everyone with the same light. The ONLY mandate Josh Lankford has put on this story is that it be printed regardless of how it ends up painting him. He wants the truth out.