Dak: Glad to hear it! I would very much like to see RSDS bless a lot of shareholders, including Rick Guy, even though I really don't think I would care to be his neighbor, from the image I've gotten of him thus far on this board. Maybe in time he'll learn that a good rapport with retail investors can have a much greater effect on his success as a CEO than what he now realizes.
Then again, maybe his grandmomma has left him an inheritance so large that making money now bores him, and that all he ever really wanted to be from a child up was to make certain that the United States would not have to be dependant on foreign oil indefinitely ... and helping it be energy self-sufficent through the help of Nuclear Energy was to be his real purpose for being born.
Hey ... we're in Pinkyland. Here in Pinkyland ANYTHING is possible, right?