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Dolly Llama

03/24/07 8:15 PM

#35430 RE: StephanieVanbryce #35429

That's Patty Duke as Neely O'Hara reaching for yet another doll.

Prologue: "You have to climb Mount Everest to reach the Valley of the Dolls. It's a brutal climb to reach that peak. You stand there, waiting for the rush of exhilaration, but it doesn't come.
You're alone. And the feeling of loneliness is overpowering..."

Ann: "Neely, you know it's bad to take liquor with those pills."

Neely: "They work faster."
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Dolly Llama

03/24/07 8:53 PM

#35431 RE: StephanieVanbryce #35429

Neely O'Hara: [entering the powder room - discovers Helen Lawson] Who are ya hiding from, Helen? The notices couldn't have been that bad.

Helen Lawson: The show just needs a little fine tuning.

Neely O'Hara: Don't worry, sweetheart. If the show folds I can always get you a part as understudy for my grandmother.

Helen Lawson: Thanks. I already turned down the part you're playing.

Neely O'Hara: Bull! Merrick isn't that crazy.

Helen Lawson: You oughta know, honey, you just came out of the nuthouse.

Neely O'Hara: It was not a nuthouse!

Helen Lawson: Look. They drummed you right outta Hollywood! So ya come crawlin' back to Broadway. Well, Broadway doesn't go for booze and dope. Now you get outta my way, I got a guy waitin' for me.

Neely O'Hara: That's a switch from the fags you're usually stuck with!

Helen Lawson: At least I never had to MARRY one!


[Neely pulls off Helen's wig while scuffling]

Neely O'Hara: ... oh my God, it's a wig! HER HAIR'S AS PHONY AS SHE IS!

Helen Lawson: Give that back, you!

Neely O'Hara: [flushing the wig down the toilet] So long, honey. Meow!