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11/20/03 10:41 AM

#19511 RE: Snackman #19505

Snackman: You are taking a ridiculous position, in my view. Many of us have been quite critical of Steven's stewardship of Wave the past few years.

Just because some of the critics have been harsh in their judgement of Steven's decisions, does not mean we need to call him a thief face to face, and that our failure to do so means we are cowards. That is pure nonsense on your part and unworthy of you, who has provided much leadership for us on at least three boards devoted to Wave.

We can disagree with management; we can think them self-interested; we can think them uncaring about the investors; we can think they have made monumental mistakes in judgement; we can think they have mishandled the financing and budget; we can think they have deceived the shareholders on timetables and other matters-- all without needing to call them dishonest.

No one is hiding behind anything on this board. Cowardice is not the issue. Leadership and results are.

If you look at An Wang of Wang Labs. He was a brilliant inventor and innovator. But his skills did not include marketing. So for want of a nail, the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe, the horse was lost...and so on until Wang was forced to step aside and who assumed the reins? His son. Wang's son was even worse at most things than his father and the empire crumpled and imploded in a few short months.

People who invested in Wang and those who worked there praised the father's vision and leadership--but in the end, the kingdom fell. Dishonesty was not involved, to my knowledge. Ineptness was.

That is what I'm suggesting here. SKS may be many things, but since assuming the reins of power at Wave, he has promised many things and delivered on precious few of them. Some of us may think Steven is an out and out liar (I do for reasons cited many times) but outright stealing from the Wave treasury is not included in the laundry list of charges, with the exception of Peter's $1M interest-free loan that was not going to be repaid, until a lynch mob of shareholders revolted.

Steven and his merry band have voted themselves generous compensation plans and hearty bonuses, but that is a mistake in judgement, not dishonesty.

So please, Snackman, stop calling us loyal critics cowards.

CPA asked some very tough questions of Steven at a CC about a year ago, after identifying himself by name. He got a world of grief for it from you and the other loyalists. I believe the word heard most often was "disrespect."

A year later, it seems CPA's pointed questions were on target. CPA did not accuse SKS of personal wrong doing, he asked about pertinent issues at a time when they needed to be asked. In my mind, CPA is no coward. He's a hero for having the guts to voice the deepest fears most of us Wavoids harbored for a long time. If more of us had flocked to support CPA, instead of attacking him, SKS might have sensed a change in course was in order.

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11/20/03 10:42 AM

#19512 RE: Snackman #19505


Sorry, I'm not that stupid. To publically call someone a liar or a crook without hard evidence to back you up in court is slander. There are laws against such things. Do I believe that is the case, yes.

What I will do is paint the picture with the questions I ask. Everyone can draw their own conclustions based on the answers given.

If you think I'm a chicken for using the eact words you described, so be it. I think I'm just being smart by not getting myself sued.

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11/20/03 10:48 AM

#19514 RE: Snackman #19505

Snackman and CPA....I for one hope that CPA will refrain from a public confrontation with management over issues that might be personal in nature, and not strictly matters appropriate for airing in a public forum. Certainly, future expectations as viewed through the lens of past unmet expectations would be appropriate, provided the questions are asked in a manner appropriate for a business setting. There may, given our recent financing and progress, be members of the analyst community or media present, and attacks of a personal nature may cause harm to Wave systems, me as an investor, and possibly CPA - as legal redress could be sought by a number of parties.

Snackman, I don't think painting CPA into a corner where he may feel (despite his best judgement) that he is committed to a certain path is wise, despite your wish to have these assertions by CPA end on this board.

So, I ask all involved not to escalate this into nuclear exchange.
