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03/13/07 2:01 PM

#252959 RE: Trader77 #252958

Links to this please ... The President of Pakistan is a liar. If he believed he was dead, why did he send his people to the boarder region going from tribe to tribe asking about Bin Laden back in January? He said he was dead because he didn't want the U.S. to enter Pakistan and he didn't want to be accused of not doing enough to combat terrorism.


03/13/07 2:02 PM

#252960 RE: Trader77 #252958

bin Laden is dead, period. That is why Bush "...truly [is] not that concerned about him.”


03/13/07 2:05 PM

#252963 RE: Trader77 #252958

FBI Official Thinks Bin Laden Is Dead
WASHINGTON, July 17, 2002

FBI counterterrorism chief Dale Watson said Wednesday he believes Osama bin Laden is dead — the first time a senior U.S. law enforcement official has publicly given an opinion on the al Qaeda leader's status.

Watson, speaking at a conference of law enforcement officials at a downtown hotel, quickly emphasized that he had no evidence that bin Laden was dead, but his comments suggest that the FBI has no intelligence that proves bin Laden is alive.

"Is (bin Laden) alive or is he dead?" Watson said. "I am not really sure of the answer ... I personally think he is probably not with us anymore but I have no evidence to support that."

Watson also said that bin Laden's network of terrorist training camps has been dismantled, but "there is no question in my mind ... we will be attacked again."

Watson, who rarely makes public appearances, is the top official for counterterrorism and counterintelligence in the FBI. He did not elaborate on his comments on bin Laden and rushed away from reporters after he spoke.

CBS News Correspondent Jim Stewart reports speculation over bin Laden intensified in recent weeks largely because of items in the Arab press. One report claimed knowledge that bin Laden was wounded in the shoulder during fighting at his Tora Bora hideout early this year and was treated at a Pakistani hospital. Another report speculated bin Laden died in the fighting.

In June, Abu Gaith, bin Laden's spokesman, released an audiotape to an Arab television outlet. He also claimed that "Sheikh Osama Bin Laden is in good health, and those in command of al Qaeda are still carrying out their responsibilities."

Adding to the speculation is the fact that it's been several months since bin Laden has been seen, and with each taped appearance his health and appearance seemed to deteriorate.

The FBI has obtained samples of bin Laden's DNA and last month were checking it against tissue and body parts, including a skull, recovered from Afghan battlefields. The skull, however, turned out to belong to a woman.

Privately, officials can't understand why bin Laden, if he is alive, hasn't surfaced to thumb his nose at the U.S. The al Qaeda response to that is that bin Laden is just being patient and awaiting the results of the next attack on America.


03/13/07 2:06 PM

#252964 RE: Trader77 #252958

Centcom General thinks Bin Laden is Dead.



03/13/07 2:07 PM

#252965 RE: Trader77 #252958

Israeli Intelligence - Bin Laden Dead.



03/13/07 2:08 PM

#252966 RE: Trader77 #252958

Israeli intelligence: Bin Laden is dead, heir has been chosen

Wednesday, October 16, 2002
TEL AVIV Osama Bin Laden appears to be dead but his colleagues have
decided that Al Qaida and its insurgency campaign against the United
States will continue, Israeli intelligence sources said.

Al Qaida terrorists have launched a new campaign of economic warfare and
are targeting shipping in the Middle East, according to U.S. intelligence

The Israeli sources said Israel and the United States assess that Bin
Laden probably died in the U.S. military campaign in Afghanistan in
December. They said the emergence of new messages by Bin Laden are
probably fabrications, Middle East Newsline reported.

But Bin Laden's heir has been chosen and his colleagues have decided to
resume Al Qaida's offensive against the United States and Western allies,
the sources said.

They said the organization regards the United States as the main target
followed by Israel.
"In this case, it doesn't matter whether Bin Laden is alive or not," a
senior Israeli intelligence source said. "The organization goes on with
help from key people."

The sources said Al Qaida has already determined Bin Laden's heir. They
said the heir has not been identified, but is probably not Bin Laden's
son, Saad. Saad is said to be in his 20s and ranked within the top 20
members of Al Qaida.

Earlier this week, Bin Laden's deputy, Ayman Zawahiri, was said to have
released a videotape in which he claims that the Al Qaida leader is alive
and functioning. Bin Laden's voice was not heard on the tape.

A senior Bush administration economic official said last week that another
major Al Qaida attack anywhere in the world could have devastating
economic repercussions.

The FBI warned last week that Al Qaida may be preparing for a major
attack. The warning followed the release of an audio tape featuring the
voice of Zawahiri.

Bombings in Bali aimed at tourists, an attack on U.S. soldiers training in
Kuwait and the bombing of a French tanker in Yemen are signs of the new
campaign, reported in its Oct. 22 edition.

The first attack was carried out last week with the Al Qaida terrorist
attack on the French tanker Limburg, a 157,000-ton ultra large crude oil
carrier, that was bombed as it picked up a pilot before mooring at the
Yemeni port of al Shihr.

One crew member was killed and others were injured in the blast.

According to intelligence officials, a small boat approached at high speed
from the starboard side of the ship and detonated a large explosive

A week earlier, the Office of Naval Intelligence issued an alert to ships
in the Middle East to be alert for Al Qaida terrorist attacks.


03/13/07 2:08 PM

#252967 RE: Trader77 #252958

Musharraf: bin Laden likely dead


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) --Pakistan's president says he thinks
Osama bin Laden is most likely dead because the
suspected terrorist has been unable to get treatment for
his kidney disease.

"I think now, frankly, he is dead for the reason he is a ...
kidney patient," Gen. Pervez Musharraf said on Friday in an
interview with CNN.

Musharraf said Pakistan knew bin Laden took two dialysis
machines into Afghanistan. "One was specifically for his own
personal use," he said.

"I don't know if he has been getting all that treatment in
Afghanistan now. And the photographs that have been shown
of him on television show him extremely weak. ... I would
give the first priority that he is dead and the second priority
that he is alive somewhere in Afghanistan."


03/13/07 2:11 PM

#252969 RE: Trader77 #252958

CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July

French report claims terrorist leader stayed in Dubai hospital

Anthony Sampson
Thursday November 1, 2001
The Guardian

Two months before September 11 Osama bin Laden flew to Dubai for 10 days for treatment at the American hospital, where he was visited by the local CIA agent, according to the French newspaper Le Figaro.
The disclosures are known to come from French intelligence which is keen to reveal the ambiguous role of the CIA, and to restrain Washington from extending the war to Iraq and elsewhere.

Bin Laden is reported to have arrived in Dubai on July 4 from Quetta in Pakistan with his own personal doctor, nurse and four bodyguards, to be treated in the urology department. While there he was visited by several members of his family and Saudi personalities, and the CIA.

Article continues



The CIA chief was seen in the lift, on his way to see Bin Laden, and later, it is alleged, boasted to friends about his contact. He was recalled to Washington soon afterwards.
Intelligence sources say that another CIA agent was also present; and that Bin Laden was also visited by Prince Turki al Faisal, then head of Saudi intelligence, who had long had links with the Taliban, and Bin Laden. Soon afterwards Turki resigned, and more recently he has publicly attacked him in an open letter: "You are a rotten seed, like the son of Noah".

The American hospital in Dubai emphatically denied that Bin Laden was a patient there.

Washington last night also denied the story.

Private planes owned by rich princes in the Gulf fly frequently between Quetta and the Emirates, often on luxurious "hunting trips" in territories sympathetic to Bin Laden. Other sources confirm that these hunting trips have provided opportunities for Saudi contacts with the Taliban and terrorists, since they first began in 1994.

Bin Laden has often been reported to be in poor health. Some accounts claim that he is suffering from Hepatitis C, and can expect to live for only two more years.

According to Le Figaro, last year he ordered a mobile dialysis machine to be delivered to his base at Kandahar in Afghanistan.

Whether the allegations about the Dubai meeting are confirmed or not, the wider leaks from the French secret service throw a worrying light on the rivalries and lack of coordination between intelligence agencies, both within the US and between western allies.

A familiar complaint of French intelligence is that collaboration with the Americans has been essentially one-way, with them happy to receive information while giving little in return.,1361,584444,00.html


03/13/07 2:12 PM

#252970 RE: Trader77 #252958

Karzai: bin Laden 'probably' dead

Afghan President Hamid Karzai told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that Osama bin Laden is 'probably' dead but Taliban leader Mullah Omar is still alive

KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) --Osama bin Laden is "probably" dead, but former Taliban leader Mullah Omar is alive, Afghan President Hamid Karzai has said.

Karzai's comments came on the eve of the anniversary of the start of the U.S.-led military campaign in Afghanistan as part of the war on terrorism.

The campaign ousted the Taliban regime, which the United States said harbored bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorism network, the group blamed for the September 11 attacks.

"I would come to believe that [bin Laden] probably is dead," Karzai said on CNN's "Late Edition" on Sunday.

"But still, you never know. He might be alive. Five months ago, six months ago, I was thinking that he was alive.

"The more we don't hear of him, and the more time passes, there is the likelihood that he probably is either dead or seriously wounded somewhere."

But he said Omar is certainly alive. "We know of that," he said. "And we have come close to arresting him several times, but he's been able to escape."

U.S. forces also have searched for Omar.

Karzai, leader of Afghanistan's interim government, said Omar is a difficult man to track down "because nobody knows him by face. Nobody can recognize him. If you came across him today, somewhere in Afghanistan or in the rest of the world, you wouldn't recognize him. So that's part of the problem with him.

"I believe he is most of the time inside Afghanistan. He could go, from time to time, toward our borders, but he stays around the Afghan area, sometimes close to the borders," Karzai said.

No threat
He contended the Taliban, which the United States designated a "terrorist" group, is a minimal threat to his government.

"They are now a group on the run. They are no longer a government. They are no longer a political movement. They are no longer a reality in Afghanistan," Karzai said.

"We don't see them as a danger in any way, of course. As a terrorist organization, as terrorist individuals, they may try to strike and they may try to assassinate or shoot people or lob bombs. That kind of activity they can do, but not a political or military threat anymore."

Karzai, who was the target of an assassination attempt September 5, said the perpetrator has been identified and is "someone very, very close to the Taliban."

He insisted he is not afraid for his life: "I trust God's keeping, and when he decides I'll not be here anymore, that will be the moment. Before that, I have no fears."

Karzai said U.S. and allied forces are helping to stabilize and keep Afghanistan "away from dangers," partly by training Afghan security forces.

But "there are other areas in which the international community has not delivered the promises that they made, especially in the reconstruction of the basic infrastructure of Afghanistan."

Karzai said his country has not received the economic support it expected from the international community for rebuilding efforts.

It is not clear how much longer the United States and its allies will need to keep a military presence in Afghanistan, Karzai said. But "at this point, I think it will be very, very unwise to think that Afghanistan can be left alone."

In the midst of a U.S. debate over possible military action against the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq, Karzai said he is unconcerned that the United States might shift its attention from Afghanistan to that country.

President Bush's administration has threatened Iraq with military action, accusing it of expanding and developing weapons of mass destruction.

"But I would like to remind our friends in the United States and in the international community that we have to really finish the job in Afghanistan completely," Karzai said.

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03/13/07 2:13 PM

#252971 RE: Trader77 #252958

OMG - Fox News reports Bin Laden Dead!!!

Report: Bin Laden Already Dead
Wednesday, December 26, 2001,3566,41576,00.html

Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader.

"The Coalition troops are engaged in a mad search operation but they would never be able to fulfill their cherished goal of getting Usama alive or dead," the source said.

Bin Laden, according to the source, was suffering from a serious lung complication and succumbed to the disease in mid-December, in the vicinity of the Tora Bora mountains. The source claimed that bin Laden was laid to rest honorably in his last abode and his grave was made as per his Wahabi belief.

About 30 close associates of bin Laden in Al Qaeda, including his most trusted and personal bodyguards, his family members and some "Taliban friends," attended the funeral rites. A volley of bullets was also fired to pay final tribute to the "great leader."

The Taliban source who claims to have seen bin Laden's face before burial said "he looked pale ... but calm, relaxed and confident."

Asked whether bin Laden had any feelings of remorse before death, the source vehemently said "no." Instead, he said, bin Laden was proud that he succeeded in his mission of igniting awareness amongst Muslims about hegemonistic designs and conspiracies of "pagans" against Islam. Bin Laden, he said, held the view that the sacrifice of a few hundred people in Afghanistan was nothing, as those who laid their lives in creating an atmosphere of resistance will be adequately rewarded by Almighty Allah.

When asked where bin Laden was buried, the source said, "I am sure that like other places in Tora Bora, that particular place too must have vanished."