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Replies to #8457 on Bible (Bible)


03/13/07 7:40 AM

#8458 RE: excel #8457

The point is the way cults are formed, the way churches go bad, is when people believe in interpretations from others, not what SCRIPTURE says with what Jesus says to their hearts, because they are listening to MEN not learning from Jesus!

Very true.
To know Jesus is to know the word. John 1:1
Thankyou for responding. btw...the video was great, I added it to the message board.
Apparently I can only do so much. I can deliver a message as the messenger, and thats it.

I recently attended a church I was invited to, to make a long story short.....
the alter call at the end for new believers wanting to be bornagain, was not of the Lord.
Their was nothing in the alther call to transition the dead/unrighteous that is, spirit of man into a biblical heart turning response to WHO JESUS IS.
anotherwords......come to Jesus to fix you up, and "take away your sins" only.


So.....what you have in "modern churches" is what seems to be "spiritual abortion".
It is when the team ministry, collaborate with genuine worship songs, and bodies swaying back and forth(like in any concert, christian or not)....then the "message" is delivered and the mind/body is suseptable of anything, good/bad.

We now have whole generations of YOUNG PEOPLE..... with "Another Gospel" as Paul warned us about.

You see, excel. I CARE. Deeply.

**You mentioned that I am starting to seem like someone else that posted in the past, well, I dont know anything about the stand of that poster.
I dont know about you, but being only 10 years difference from this generation coming out of school... I know that steps I had to choose, in order to seperate myself from the worlds "pie in the sky, have your cake AND eat it too" mentality.
I dont know if personal testimonies mean a whole lot to you (though I believe they would and do)...
I am not perfect by any means, but I do try to obey the Lord.
Ill just briefly list a few things the Lord has used me for, then explain WHY I DO WHAT I DO. Alright.

I used to live my life for me. No one else really. Yes, I was a nice person and all, so I thought, but in reality I was doing things without God, before I became bornagain.
fast forward........from B/C years to with CRIST now....
When I first was saved,
the Lord used me and I was put in ministry immediately.
I met a friend who was once a literaly gang member, killer etc etc...
well the Lord spared his life after a near fatal gunshot wound to his body(which the bullet still remains lodged inside him), he showed me the stiches running up from his waste to his neck line, from them repairing him from hells edge.
I had know this person for years before his conversion, and now seeming him witness and preach on the corners was amazing!.

He was homeless. His lifechange, removed him out of his old friends and living habits.
It was at this point, that I decided to help him out, and took him off the streets.
long story short, he and I would go to parks and street corners, you name it with a literal 10 FOOT cross, and signs, and tracts preaching JESUS SAVES. evangelism at its roots.
Mind you, I myself had only been a believer/FOLLOWER a year or so is all.
ALRIGHT...well, within one years time, the next thing I knew The Lord had used me to take 10-20 homeless literal bums of the street and SUPPORT THEM WORKING 2 JOBS, while they did nothing...while I was trying to be the good samaratin, and help these GROWN MEN, with a 2nd chance physically, and spiritually.
Ok, that was the beginning of ministry.

aside from park evangelism etc, and helping my friend hold small CRUSADES, and petitioning local church involvement etc etc.... it was going well.
I then began teaching sunday school. Both junior high and highschool.
I also was given opportunites to preach from behind the pulpit a few times as well.
I have preached at more than just one church.
I have also preached in old folks homes etc, graciously by the Lord that is. Amen.
Ive gone door to door before, park to park, in home, my home literally at one point had 10 homeless people, while i supported them all with food, and rent you name it.
well thankfully God relieved me of that stressful season.
I single young guy could only take sooo much of doing things solo. While others mocked, or used you.
The Lord has also used me to preach/give an entire funeral service recently.(man, that was scarry. it was all God though, who came through as always, to help minister to the deceased family and also about 300 young TEENS of their friend who passed away. They mostly all were gothic, so giving a sermon to my peers sorta was interesting. But sooo needed. The old men there, asked if I had done this full time or not, and that it was one of the best funerals they had ever heard.
ANYWAYS.........I love you excel, and ANYTHING I say, I pray it is with the Lord, and not me only.
Godbless you, and just because I TAKE A *FIRM STAND on important issues, does not make me a bad person or even comparable to another person whom I do not even know.

Aside from reading everything I could get my hands on(1000's of books) on/about Jesus etc...
I became aware of major problems growing in chrisendom.

I dont know if personal testimonies mean a whole lot to you (though I believe they would and do)...
I am not perfect by any means, but I do try to obey the Lord.
Ill just briefly list a few things the Lord has used me for, then explain WHY I DO WHAT I DO. Alright. ORIGINAL THOUGHT HERE.... Continued.

I understand that there are soo many marthas in the World, but few marrys who LISTEND TO THE 'WORD OF GOD-JESUS'.
The growing need is for correct doctrine, and a reteaching of the truth(singular) ministers.
This is why Jesus was rejected. He through truth, was reteaching the leaders - the way,truth, and life. They wanted to nothing to do with the truth. They had their own.
the results? Ever increasing wickedness allowed to prevail in the world. Sad =[.
Thanks for the time reading this.
I will lay low till the Lord has me do otherwise.
You are in his hands anyways.
Be blessed and follow the truth continually.
-a real friend in the body of Christ, in much love.


03/13/07 12:55 PM

#8459 RE: excel #8457

excel I'm not a scholar either,
but the KJ has problems too. Here are two examples off the top of my head.

Hebrew 2:17
Wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. (reconciliation)

...Thus in Luke 18:13 it signifies to be propitious or merciful to (with the person as the object of the verb), and in Heb. 2:17 to expiate, to make propitiation for (the object of the verb being sins); here the R.V., "to make propitiation" is an important correction of the A.V., "to make reconciliation." Through the propitiatory sacrifice of Christ, he who believes upon Him is by God's own act delivered from justly deserved wrath, and comes under the covenant of grace. Never is God said to be reconciled, a fact itself indicative that the enmity exist on man's part alone, and that it is man who needs to be reconciled to God, and not God to man. God is always the same and, since He is Himself immutable, His relative attitude does change towards those who change. He can act differently towards those who come to Him by faith, and solely on the ground of the propitiatory sacrifice of Christ, not because He has changed, but because He ever acts according to His unchanging righteousness...

Romans 5:11
And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. (atonement)

Atonement: Katallage "atonement" in the A.V. of Rom. 5:11, signifies, not "atonement," but "reconciliation," as in the R.V. See also Rom. 11:15, 2 Cor 5:18,19 ~ So with the corresponding verb katallasso, see under RECONCILE. "Atonement" (the explanation of this English word as being at-one-ment is entirely fanciful) is frequently found in the O.T. See, for instance, Leviticus, chapters 16 and 17. The corresponding N.T. words are hilasmos, propitiation, 1Jn. 2:2;4 4:10, and hilasterion, Rom. 3:25; Heb. 9:5, "mercy-seat," the covering of the ark of the Covenant. These describe the means (in and through the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His death on the Cross by the shedding of His blood in His vicarious sacrifice for sin) by which God shows mercy to sinners. See PROPITIATION
Vine's expository dictionary of new testament words, unabridged edition.

Back in the 80's I had a friend who taught high school. He volunteered his time and talent at church teaching Greek on Wed. eve.. A bunch of us from church were eager to learn Greek. (This guy read his N.T. in Greek the way we read ours in English)
After about three classes I dropped out. He came up to my house to find out why I quit. I just told the truth. That it reminded me of school, and I hated school, and I didn't want to apply myself because I thought it was hard. LOL He tried to encourage me (you know how teachers are) but I stood my ground. I told him I was too lazy to learn and I wanted to learn Greek with out any effort on my part. LOL

He was so nice. He helped me order and made sure I got the right version of Vine's. He also helped me order a Hebrew lexicon. I own a paper-back Strong's which is easy to look up words where they are at. BUT for definitions I go to Vine's. Hands down, it is the best. That remark came from a guy who taught Greek. There are many corrections to the KJ version. I gave you two examples. Gasp. LOL
And I seriously doubt if VERITAS is a scholar. I clicked "home" on one of his web sites, and the site was dedicated to the KJ only. Scholars don't do that kind of stuff. fwiw. Don't let it bother you. It doesn't even phase me because I know better. :)
BTW Nice post!