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03/13/07 5:09 AM

#67753 RE: followinsnsr #67750

followingte, IMHO, it would seem that GTE has taken up residency in a shared office space. Either they physically occupy a suite or two or more on one of two floors managed by 101 Business Center or they are just a file folder located in the back room. Places like these have a common receptionist and admin staff that provide office support as needed. It is a heck of a lot cheaper than leasing your own space and hiring your own support staff.

So is this a cause for concern or a sound business decision? If you look at the various GTEM entities - Centerline, Sanswire, Mexico JV, VOIP (Anywherecaller, Vozbrasil, ILigue), Globetel Wireless - do they really need to be tied together through a large corporate office space?

Centerline has facilities in LA, Sanswire has theirs in Palmdale, I assume Mexico JV will reside across the border, VOIP products can probably be managed virutally, Globetel Wireless - nerd86's report would indicate they are no longer in FL....either production is/will be outsourced or maybe they are going with a different solution other than Uli's original 4010?

The argument could also be made that they are just holding on by a thread and using 101 Business Center was the cheapest way to still maintain a business identity until they fade into the sunset.

An overall update on the state of Globetel as a whole is long overdue.