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03/09/07 11:31 PM

#33643 RE: Maximus Comms #33642

Thanks for the update Max.

RE: "Although all of us would love to see PP in Natchez in April. "

Too bad he won't. He's such a coward he just takes potshots from his trailer up in Minnesota. If the longs profit here, I guarantee the pool to make his life miserable will be well funded!
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03/09/07 11:40 PM

#33644 RE: Maximus Comms #33642

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03/09/07 11:51 PM

#33645 RE: Maximus Comms #33642

Maximus, Thank you.

Have a great week-end and enjoy the time with your kids.

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03/10/07 1:03 AM

#33652 RE: Maximus Comms #33642

Maximus thanks for the update...

working on all those fronts and making progress...
every week must be called a gang buster for the company...
if we sharesholders want to participate in building a strong company, we need to allow for things to happen at their right time...
not to expect instant gratification because we bought some shares...

There are many others stocks that may offer better trading opportunities...
so those impatient people can trade those stocks till they think USSE is read to move they would like.

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03/10/07 1:33 AM

#33655 RE: Maximus Comms #33642

Awesome update Maximus and thanks for your hard work. I have to say PP is the best I have ever read at what he / she does, until I pushed the Ignore button. I own a few shares and like that you are looking long term into contracts and not making mistakes short term. Time will tell if PP was right or we make a fortune!
Make your own decisions!
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03/10/07 9:57 AM

#33661 RE: Maximus Comms #33642

>>>Investors should be extremely happy that USSEC management and John Rivera have had the foresight to step back for a moment... Managed poorly it will still make alot of money.<<<

My biggest concern was that this would NOT happen. I worried that management would be so eager to prove themselves and discredit the skeptics, that they would get into contracts that were not structured inthe most advantageous way as to accomodate their long-term growth. I appreciate your giving me an inkling into the maturity of management.

>>>> It is already disheartening to have four people here unchecked that seem to be able to call us scammers and conmen no less than eighty times a day, with no technical or scientific background or merit... For that reason, you likely won't see many future updates on this board specifically from us... To watch "longs" twist our involvement here... spinmasters going at it full throttle. One guy types that we lie, another ten take the bait. .<<<

seems like a lot of us could use this today,

...If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools...

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:...

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,...
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03/10/07 10:54 AM

#33665 RE: Maximus Comms #33642

Max, Thank you for the post.

I followed your link about Westar Energy, and was hoping that USSE/SSTP is going to be putting in a proposal for this 500 MW (yeah , i know, its a small one, but hell, gotta start somewhere) that is due April 2.
Thanks again for all your time and energy that you give us.

Westar Energy Requests Bids to Add 500 MW of Renewable Energy
March 2, 2007
Source: Clean Edge News

Westar Energy, Inc. recently announced it is seeking bids to develop up to 500 megawatts of electricity from renewable resources.

“Westar Energy, like many utilities, is entering a time when new generation is needed,” said Jim Haines, Westar Energy chief executive officer. “When looking at the options we have to invest in providing electricity for Kansas’ growing needs, it is important that we evaluate renewable resources in addition to traditional- fueled generation.”

In the request for renewable projects, Westar said it would like a portion of the generation to be online by the end of 2008 and the remainder to be online by the end of 2010.

The proposal invites firms to submit proposals wherein Westar Energy would own the facility after development and construction. Additionally bidders may provide other options to Westar including entering into an agreement to purchase electricity produced at the facility or other options bidders believe would be attractive to Westar and its customers.

Westar requires that wind power proposals adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Kansas Energy Council. The state guidelines discuss consideration that should be given to residents and natural resources in and near potential wind power sites and other concerns.

Proposals will be due April 2, at which time Westar Energy will begin reviewing the submissions.
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03/10/07 11:06 AM

#33667 RE: Maximus Comms #33642

The only thing you said about me that had any possible merit whatsoever is that I did send one abusive e-mail. I sent it to Zardiw a while back since I strongly disapproved of what he was doing. He returned in kind by sending me two PM's just to swear at me. The rest of what you said about me was simply made up by you.

Regarding the BTU's, as you know, doing the math would indicate there is significantly more stored energy in the products coming out of the Rivera Process from one bushel of soybeans than were in a bushel of soybeans to start. That would violate physics. I've asked you to resolve that before and I'm sure there's a simple explanation which would clear all of that up for all the longs and the skeptics. Neither you nor the company ever give that explanation and longs are forced to speculate anything from an amazing physics-violating catalyst to nanobacteria--neither of which would adequately explain the reason. All you have to do is resolve that and it will never again be an issue for anyone. Instead you say it's childish to question the BTU's and suggest there may be legal action for defamation.

For your 'revenues from green energy' figures, you continually throw out numbers but I don't see any reason why power produced from USSE's biofuel would warrant any higher price than power produced from hydro, wind or solar. Since wind, hydro and solar don't require any fuel to cultivate the land and transport fuel, I would guess they are all greener than any potential power produced from soybean fuel made from the Rivera Process. Why wouldn't solar, wind and hydro qualify for these higher 'compliance' prices that you keep mentioning?

You also keep suggesting and dancing around USSE's biofuel being used at 54% efficiency but you never mention whether or not USSE's biofuel can actually produce work at this efficiency. Would the company stand behind saying that the fuel produced from one bushel of soybeans using the Rivera Process has been shown to produce 101 kWh? (5 gal/bushel * 128,000 BTU/gal * 54% / 3413 BTU/kWh) As you can see with this last question, a simple "yes" or "no" will be much easier to type than ranting that the information has been given many times but that I refuse to listen.

You could shut all the skeptics down and maybe even turn many of them into longs with some solid information. Why is it a better use of your time to throw around accusations of defamation to discredit anyone who says anything bad about the company rather than giving solid information to back up anything you say regarding the company??

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03/10/07 11:25 AM

#33671 RE: Maximus Comms #33642


Thank you for your update.

I want you to realize not all of us stockholders are looking for the short term. I for one and I honestly beleive many others are behind John Rivera for our future. Not just looking for a quick profit.

I personnaly have invested and will continue to invest for my grandchildrens future. Although I have a high belief for nice financial gains (I am content to wait a few years for dividends), the impact of the Rivera process will not only improve all the future generations health but it will also have a major impact on the USA's dependency on foriegn governments.

There will always be bashers on green energy when it is going against the big money corporations in the oil industry. But you must beleive us long term shareholders have the intelligence to see through it.

Again, thank you for your efforts and the efforts of all at USSE and SSTP.

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king oil

03/10/07 12:05 PM

#33680 RE: Maximus Comms #33642

thanks Maximus. Appreciate the update. I think it helps to calm some frazzled nerves. The potential for this company is mind boggling and the timing is perfect with the rapidly developing green energy market. The moving parts with share structures are very confusing but I will trust that all is aimed at maximing the USSE and SSTP shareholder value. It's disheartening to hear that certain individuals would go to such lengths to try to derail the success of a company that is trying to improve the environment, but I believe in karma and it eventually catches up with everyone.

thanks again for the late night update.
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03/10/07 1:54 PM

#33686 RE: Maximus Comms #33642

can't wait to see "a dozen super positive interviews over the past two weeks, including wall street analyst guides, Dow Jones, Fast Company, Fortune, Industry Week, CNN and the list goes on."
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03/10/07 2:43 PM

#33689 RE: Maximus Comms #33642

Can you name these individuals? People like that are my pet peeve on the site. I don't come here and post that often so I'd like to make a sort of s--t list so I know who and which posts to avoid.

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03/10/07 3:09 PM

#33693 RE: Maximus Comms #33642

Please continue to post for all of us who do care to hear what you have to say. Put the others on IGGY. I would love to know more about John Stanton. Which one of you guys is right?
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03/13/07 10:16 AM

#34139 RE: Maximus Comms #33642

"...On the news front, we have had nearly a dozen super positive interviews over the past two weeks, including wall street analyst guides, Dow Jones, Fast Company, Fortune, Industry Week, CNN and the list goes on...."

Max....any indication of when any of these interviews will be made public?