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03/09/07 4:27 PM

#577 RE: saigai #576

i saw the board msg, but i'm stuck, only $350 in a stock + All $$ stuck in shares PKTO not converted yet. do not know the symbol and my broker i need call them if i want to buy to add that symbol , but this can be done quickly within 10 minutes.

I will have a look in email.

and try to look at the chart on a site that has QKBY in its database.


Fwiw : BHUB is the speculative second spinn off from CYHD (the one spinnin off PKTO) . but we need ti know what is this biz.



03/09/07 4:36 PM

#578 RE: saigai #576

What a pity QKBY . it seems not done yet? . but i had no cash too. i PM you also :)

I can see the intraday chart. i need look at a stock chart site that show it :)


03/09/07 4:42 PM

#579 RE: saigai #576

the only stock chart site having QKBY in its data base is but it does not show intraday chart :( .


03/09/07 4:54 PM

#580 RE: saigai #576

Read this PKTO email : lol

Posted by: joenatural
In reply to: None Date:3/9/2007 2:19:20 PM
Post #of 1004

Take a look at the correspondence below via e-mail between Chicken Man (a friend that trades for me sometimes) and PKTO. Does anyone else here find PKTO's last response to be extremely odd ?________________________________________________________________

Mike, please tell me you're kidding about your last remark. You don't know what share structure is ?

>From: Pocketop <>
>To: 'John Harrell' <>
>Subject: RE: Relationship with Cyberhand ....
>Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2007 12:08:43 -0700
>What share structure?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: John Harrell []
>Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 11:04 AM
>Subject: RE: Relationship with Cyberhand ....
>And no one has a clue as to the share structure. Are prospective
>shareholders to simply take a guess ?
> >From: Pocketop <>
> >To: 'John Harrell' <>
> >Subject: RE: Relationship with Cyberhand ....
> >Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2007 10:55:18 -0700
> >
> >John
> >
> >Who told you this nonsense? What agreement? Where have you seen any
> >financials? The shareholders of USAC changed to PKTO have benefited
> >because
> >we vended in the assets to an empty shell. Millions of private capital
> >have
> >been spent on the technology and hundreds of thousands of our keyboards
> >have
> >been sold through major retailers. The people that are selling and buying
> >stock are the people in the market that had original stock or paid cash for
> >it ONLY. All stock for the major shareholders in the private company is
> >restricted and not one share has been sold.
> >
> >In addition, we have deliberately withheld announcements to try to contain
> >any speculation. Could that be why there is only one announcement, a
> >generic one, that the merger is complete and this one was released two days
> >after the symbol changed and after the stock had peaked. As for the SEC,
> >let
> >look at the facts, the Principals have not sold one share of stock, the
> >President of the conmpany (who has not sold one share of stock)
> >compensation
> >is stock and restricted for two years, the merge has cost our company money
> >and we have not made a penny, we have tried to slow the speculation by
> >withholding any press, have a real product and easy to prove millions of
> >investment, you are right if there is a SCAM and it was performed on the
> >company that merged, US.
> >
> >Mike
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: John Harrell []
> >Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 9:04 AM
> >To:
> >Subject: Relationship with Cyberhand ....
> >
> >How on earth are PKTO shareholders going to benefit with this agreement
> >between PKTO and Cyberhand ? It seems as if there's nothing left of PKTO.
> >What am I missing ? It appears as if PKTO is a shell with ZERO assets and
> >designed for nothing more than to sell shares to vulnerable people. I think
> >the SEC should be contacted ASAP and a complaint filed against PKTO and its
> >management unless there's other motives we don't know about. Without a
> >prompt reply, I can only deem PKTO as a total scam and a perpetrator of
> >financial fraud.
> >
> >
> >
> >John Harrell


03/09/07 6:32 PM

#581 RE: saigai #576

Geo, i just paid for 'privileged' paid member, can post unlimitedly and PM you anytime for hot stuff personally when possible.

I hard most of hot stuff being via PMn providing that you can give people the same thing in PM.
Win win exchange situation , it seems . i'm not sure of, but with my assets growing , i can allow thiwluxe , i can only help and have some fun . Of course it seems expensive for occasional trader to pay this subscription. But for those winning traders guys. This is their good way to spread out the hot stuff.
I'm not sure how much is truen or how much i will benefit from that subs. but i can afford to post withour limit, this is main my hobby , so ok, i have enuff $$ now to afford that stuff.