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03/02/07 12:20 PM

#32288 RE: TruthChecker #32285

LOL...I have no cant

If you have $1.50 per share times 100% that = $1.5

so $1.50+ $1.50= $3.00

Now if you again had $1.50 per share times 1000% that = $ 15.00

So $15.00 + $1.5 = $16.5 per share

Another example...

If i take $.02 per share times 100% = $.02

.02+.02 = .04

If i take $.02 x 1000% = .20

.02+.20= $.22

To further this ...if we both start with $ 2000.00

and you can get 1333.33 shares x $1.5(profit) = $ 1999.99

I get 100000 shares x $.20(profit)= $20000.00

LOL...yeah...and I have no clue

Fur sure....I'll take 100% over 1000% anytime...LMAO