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11/13/03 2:17 PM

#18019 RE: HhH #18016


I am not per se a defender of SKS but I find your comments somewhat outrageous and over the top. "The Winkler fleecing" -you know nothing about the whole transaction. You do have your own opinions in which you are mentally and emotionally very invested and at least you do note you could be wrong.
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11/13/03 2:36 PM

#18021 RE: HhH #18016

HHH- SKS also deserves the CREDIT

for where they are positioned today. It all belongs to individual perspective. You obviously have your opinion.
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New Wave

11/13/03 2:41 PM

#18023 RE: HhH #18016

HhH, Wave wouldn't exist if not for the Spragues.

"If Wave succeeds--and I believe that is still a gigantic if--it will be in spite of Steven Sprague (and God knows what-all other family members) and not because of them."


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11/13/03 2:46 PM

#18025 RE: HhH #18016

HhH - And yet you're still here.

I guess the debate really comes down to who's the smartest in the long run, doesn't it? However, it's not fair to debate that subject if you have taken no stand yourself.

You are very quick to point out the negatives, but resist the positives as if they were a virus. The truth is:

1. Wave has said that they were working with the big players, and that building these relationships would take time to build the right way ~ Now that these big players are beginning to acknowledge Wave (NSM, INTEL, others) you give Steven no credit for this. I'm sure that if he was as inept as you claim, he would have screwed these up by now too no?

2. Wave said they would be deploying product in the 4th quarter of this year, and that's what they're doing. I didn't see that credit given in your post of negatives.

3. The share price has gone up since the last quarter, fairly significantly. I always thought that market reaction to a bad CEO was downward movement of the share price ~ not upward.

4. And probably most important, if you ever attended an Economics class in your lifetime, you'd have heard of something called 'opportunity costs'. The amount of time that you've put in posting negatively against Wave, when you could have been doing something else, suggests that you too have now lost money on Wave, unless you're a paid basher.

So, I think the textbook example for opportunity costs would argue, that if you looked on the other side of the Production Possibilities Frontier had you opted to make shoes, instead of bashing Wave for over 1600 posts, you could have made an s-load of shoes by now, and probably made enough money by now to invest in Wave yourself.

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11/13/03 3:23 PM

#18041 RE: HhH #18016

HHH - and of course Intel fell in love with wave's technology in spite of SKS's incompetence, stupidity and lack of management ability. Riiight, and pigs can fly.