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07/24/24 10:00 AM

#197080 RE: Nrdc92 #197079

Name me 1 modulator that is faster, consumes less and is smaller in size. I'm waiting for an answer !
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07/24/24 11:23 AM

#197092 RE: Nrdc92 #197079

There’s more to this story than the claimed specs.

There are yields and manufacturability, backend PDKs, interconnects, packaging, (oxidation related degradation which ALD may have addressed or not) and other unspecified challenges. We all remain considerably in the dark regarding the true progress of the marketability of this technology.

The claims made here for the past several years is that it is ready.

If you or me or anyone else would have made the claim in 2021 that Lightwave Logic would still have no meaningful revenue in the 2nd quarter of 2024, you would have been run off this board as a lying POS short who knew nothing of the real story. You would have been humiliated, excoriated, called a douche bag or worse and been considered completely not credible.

Those posters, who you could verify historically, have been 100%, up on flames, wrong.

There have been 0 apologies or acknowledgments of their actions. And some of claim to be people of character and judges of character.

Simply, by matter of fact, these ‘true longs’ have absolutely 0 credibility in anything they they purport to know.
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07/24/24 11:59 AM

#197094 RE: Nrdc92 #197079

You continue to present yourself as a disgruntled long term shareholder still holding your shares. You must recognize that your post describes a developmental company that was chronically underfunded, that lacked solid technological leadership for many years, had to scrape up money slowly that was needed to buy first class lab equipment and adequate semiconductor equipment to study how to utilize polymers. The talk about deals was more of a hope and a prayer that there would have been a big pocketed partner to come along and further develop the technology or an outright buyout.

The company was transformed only when a very talented tech guy like Michael Lebby took over in 2017. He identified what was needed and has a long term plan to develop new generations of polymers and developed methods to incorporate them into pics. Lwlg was going nowhere without foundry partners and they have been working with Lightwave for the past 3 years getting ready for commercialization.Everything is moving towards commercialization with more high quality talent coming on board, better polymers, expanded lab busy as can be testing polymer pics from foundries and customers having a need for faster, lower power modulators.

So what is your Beef? If you are a long term shareholder you are up 3 or 4 times at least with your investment. If you sold before the run up in price, that is on you not the company. If you cannot understand all of the details that need to be tied up before deals are announced that too is on you after all this is still a company in late stages of development and getting very close to deals. The fact that you cannot see anything positive going on here shows you are an impatient and bitter man who can’t take responsibility for his own investment decisions regarding a company that was very risky with no money, significant capital needs, poor technology leadership and no viable business plan other than another company would pay big bucks for an unproven chemical. You post multiple times a day about your bitterness. If you believe what you post it makes no sense you still hang on.