The body and Lippa and .Arnold's and the new veep are going to conspire against the retail investors who bought rspi at ender a penny a share?!
They are just in it to make non opiode m
Pain medz, epilepsy meds, sci meds, and other meds so they can squeeze retail investors out with a hostile Takeover?
They are t humanitarian trying to make a living by making a difference?!
They are all like the Michael Douglas character in the film, WALL STREET?!
there is being soundly skeptical and careful and cautious but if your evaluation of RSPI spe fiscally is realistically as jaded as you claim, then you need to put all your savings in TBILLS and pray the U.S. govt. Does not go bankrupt due to its majority shareholders cannibalizing it like Sears and Enron, and the Chicago Tribune and....