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07/12/24 3:29 PM

#87442 RE: cadillacdave #87441

The powers that be are who pull Musks strings. Hes a puppet for the DoD. Intelligent community are why he purchased use to help control the flow of information. Controlling information isnt just about censorship especially if you dont want the public to realize what you are doing. Instead setting up a system for suppressing good information by flooding a thread down with nonsensical posts, competing viewpoints so they cant figure out what to believe, and promoting disinformation are things intelligence community would want from Musk and his Twitter.
Intelligence community pretty much rule social media. This is in part due to 911 and the various bills it allowed to pass like the Patriot Act which was anything but patriotic. Although 911 main objective was to give the US grounds to leave 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty, this was definitely on their agenda. Theres no way that bill was written post 911, ie it was already waiting for such an event.


Section 2 - Auroras caused by head-on blows to Earth's magnetic field could damage critical infrastructure, scientists say

The same forces which cause auroras also cause currents that can damage infrastructure which conducts electricity, like pipelines.

Now scientists writing in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences have demonstrated that the impact angle of interplanetary shocks is key to the currents' strength, offering an opportunity to forecast dangerous shocks and shield critical infrastructure.

While autonomous tech and EVs are not critical infrastructure, these articles really need to include them so people understand that these magnetic storms impact more than just powerlines and pipelines. They impact all conductive materials and that means induce currents in vehicles which then seems to cause EVs to go out of control as the interference impacts the computing units that control the vehicles operations. This is the downside to computer on wheels. Tesla is aware of this interceding force and does not warn the public of the dangers its vehicles put them in because of this external force.

Tesla argues it had no control in the crash and death which were "caused by a superseding and/or intervening force."

Intervening/Superseding Force and how it impacts computers inside vehicles

"The aurora is a visual warning that indicates that electric currents in space can generate these geomagnetically-induced currents on the ground."

"But weaker, more frequent events such as interplanetary shocks can pose threats to ground conductors over time. Our work shows that considerable geoelectric currents occur quite frequently after shocks, and they deserve attention."

They are finding that weaker shocks from say solar storm skimming the earths magnetic field is causing considerable geoelectric currents in the ground. Actually ive seen more incidents of Teslas going out of control during small storms than larger ones indicating it definitely deserves more attention.

Something not really talked about is low-frequency magnetic fields not only pose a harzard to our health but can affect ECUs in vehicles like indicated in the following quote:

Not only can low-frequency magnetic fields pose health hazards to human beings, but they can also affect some electric control units (ECUs) in a vehicle. An ECU that consists of Hall-effect sensors located near the battery pack or powertrain modules could be affected by the low-frequency magnetic field if no sufficient shielding is provided.

The impact this has on ECUs can then cause this:

The electromagnetic  interference  affects  the  automobile  electronic  control  system  mainly  in  two  ways:  one is  to  affect  the  input  signal  of  the  sensor  of  the  electronic  control  system,  causing  distortion  and resulting  in  electric  control  signal  where  the  ECU  output  does  not  match  the  driver's  intention,  which leads  to  the  wrong  operation  of  the  actuator;  the  other  is  to  interfere  the  ECU  output  signal  to  result  in its deviation,  misleading the operation of  the actuator.

Quote Sources:


Section 3 - Tesla Drivers Have the Highest Crash Rate of Any Brand: Study
Tesla led all automakers with 23.54 crashes per 1,000 drivers in the past year.


Section 4 - Tesla suffers SUA and drives into a parking garage wall.

I'm begging all of you to NEVER get in a Tesla as long as you live. It started accelerating on its own in a parking garage and my dad lost all control of the car and we ran into a wall at 40 mph. Most horrifying experience of my life.


Section 5 - List of out of control Teslas for 2023 and link to 2022 out of control accidents as well.


Section 6 - Hutchison Effect & Teslas Whompy Wheel issue

Jain is one of tens of thousands of Tesla owners who have experienced premature failures of suspension or steering parts, according to a Reuters review of thousands of Tesla documents. The chronic failures, many in relatively new vehicles, date back at least seven years and stretch across Tesla’s model lineup and across the globe, from China to the United States to Europe, according to the records and interviews with more than 20 customers and nine former Tesla managers or service technicians.

The exact cause of the Hutchison Effect is unknown in public spheres as it is classified under national security. However the most likely culprit seems to be a combination of electromagnetic sources coming together in a way to change the makeup of metals leading to their rusting, softening, fracturing, complete breaking, even dustification. Keep in mind the degree of metal materials that are within our buildings and infrastructure...even in concrete. Maybe this is why we are seeing an increase in building and bridge collapses?