Fact: The unit is on-site currently producing. Simple math on a best case basis 30 days continuous production out of 4k tpa would = 328 tonnes at a rate of 10.96 per day...
given pricing ranges from $10-24/kg depending on who you want to read it from I'd say US Mag and IBAT are doing just fine running the technology to get actual data before "making a production announcement" but what do I know I've only been following IBAT since 2018
Fact: Eramet is on-site currently producing
Fact: E3 has third party technology and will never realize profits because the project is too expensive
Fact: Will need you to fill this one in on how Ensorcia or Burba are responsible for any P&D activity, I can't find those facts.
Fact: BHE & Terralithium are extending to Smackover
Fact: Sayona is a 4x failed project spanning decades.