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06/25/24 9:02 AM

#198733 RE: BluE33 #198728

Yeah, I sent Dr. Chandra 3 items to put at least 'something' of substance out for shareholder confidence, and he passed on all 3 of them with this announcement. While I'm very happy he poked his head out again, this does nothing to move the football down the field. IMHO, we don't need more pump talk about a new version of his AI and website, we need specifics to prove they have something real they can move forward on. I, at many of of our friends' behests here, asked for:
-- Published data of any successful test, lab results or volunteer testing on Clone3 or Clone 7. Even a protective, partial results report that competitors can't take anything IP-related from, but shareholders and industry eyes could respect, is critical. Without any published 'proof' of what they have,, this still goes nowhere.
-- Any news or projections on when the new volunteer trials in South America might commence when the proverbial dust settles.
-- What next steps or milestone schedules will be (Patent Awards, volunteer trials, EU trials, product readiness, partnership movement anything real...) once that dust settles.

If any of the above were addressed, especially the first one, that does not tip off Harry to anything he could do about it, would have made my day.
Disappointingly, CCC - Chandra, sidestepped the norm, a long overdue norm, yet again. Makes me worry about what they're hiding. I so hope I'm wrong, but.....!