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06/23/24 10:47 AM

#1394 RE: XenaLives #1393

Xena, >> private deep pockets will be able to swarm in and scoop it up <<

That brings up another Covid related 'coincidence' that many people aren't aware of --> Blackrock's 'Going Direct Reset' proposal at the G-7 meeting in Jackson Hole in Aug 2019, only a few months before Covid appeared. It was approved at the globalist's G-7 annual meeting, and the plan is still proudly displayed on Blackrock's own website -

The key idea was to speed up the 'bailout' process for any future global financial crises by bypassing the Congress / legislative branch and 'going directly' to an immediate central bank and Treasury bailout. During the 2008 financial crisis, it took months and months to get the bailout measures approved by Congress, so the 'Going Direct Reset' approach bypasses all that, and the bailout can be implemented immediately. This is how the Fed and Treasury were able to move so quickly in March / April 2020 in bringing out the mega bailout after the Covid crash hit and froze up the financial markets.

So, very convenient timing to get this ultra fast bailout approach approved by the G7 just 2 months before Covid hit in October. A fortuitous coincidence, or a clear sign of foreknowledge? And there's more. You may remember the mysterious 'Repo problem' that appeared earlier in 2019, and then caused the Fed to start dramatically re-liquifying the financial system in Aug and Sept 2019. The Fed was adding hundreds of billions of liquidity into the system, supposedly to placate the problems in the Repo market. But the timing coincided exactly with the approval of Blackrock's 'Going Direct Reset' plan at the G7 in Aug, the appearance of Covid in Oct, and the Covid crash 5 months later in March.

In March / April 2020 the Fed was able to immediately backstop every part of the US financial system, stock and bond markets, banks, even the junk bond markets. This is when entities like Blackrock stepped into the real estate market in a huge way, and soon became the largest owner of residential real estate in the country. Blackrock was bidding 25% over market prices to buy up these homes, then turning them into rentals. In the Atlanta suburbs for example, Blackrock reportedly owns up to 75% of the homes in some areas. Where did Blackrock get the vast sums to do this? Most likely from the 'Going Direct Reset' mega liquidity bonanza from the Covid crisis bailout.

So summarizing, when it comes to 'coincidences' that suggest foreknowledge of the coming Covid crisis, these include -

1) 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan (Oct 2019)

2) Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security -- Event 201 (Oct 2019)

3) Blackrock's 'Going Direct Reset' at G-7 meeting (Aug 2019)

But even with these significant 'coincidences', the broader motivation for a deliberate 'Covid Caper' is still unclear. Why deliberately blow up the world economy, tap out the Fed's ability to respond to future crises, etc? What was achieved? The 'deliberate' hypothesis still doesn't make sense imo. Evidence of foreknowledge is there, but the fuller motivation is still a mystery.


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06/23/24 12:13 PM

#1395 RE: XenaLives #1393

Xena, To supplement the previous post, here is some key info from Catherine Austin Fitts that broadens the perspective (below). She outlines how the 'elites' began fleecing the US in earnest starting ~1997, and she has documented proof that as of 2015 they had extracted a whopping $21 Trillion. In her view the 'Covid Caper' was a way to accelerate the extraction process, which would fit with Blackrock's previously discussed 'Going Direct Reset' scheme. So the main motivation for the pandemic was to facilitate and accelerate a mass looting process that had already been underway since 1997 -

>>> Catherine, served as Assistant Secretary of Housing under George H.W. Bush. They discuss the disappearance of trillions of dollars from federal budgets, starting in the mid-90s and escalating over the years. By 2001, $4 trillion was unaccounted for, rising to $21 trillion by 2015. Catherine reveals systemic financial mismanagement and secrecy within the U.S. government, emphasizing the impact on inflation and economic control. She highlights the need for property owners to navigate this unstable financial landscape wisely. <<<
