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06/22/24 6:18 AM

#194853 RE: KCCO7913 #194844

Given how Lebby evaded answering your questions at the ASM, and has wantonly misrepresented and obfuscated the company’s progress and technical hurdles; how can you give any credibility whatsoever to their claims?

Everything tedpeele states may not be perfectly accurate, however, his skepticism over the company’s claims and representations is more than justified.

At this point; who is the more laughable fool; the skeptic or the blind believer?
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06/22/24 9:36 AM

#194873 RE: KCCO7913 #194844

HAHA yourself KCC. I postulated the possibility that the companies that "manufacture data communications networks equipment" might not be talking about transceiver manufacturers.

You scoffed at that idea.

However, there are 500 manufacturers of data communication network equipment in the US alone:

There appear to be far fewer transceiver manufacturers in the US - here's a site that lists about 40:

So - yes, they very well may NOT be talking about transceiver companies when they mention "data communication networks equipment" manufacturers.

Notice too that Lightwave SPECIFICALLY mentions the fiber optic transceiver companies SEPARATELY as though they are a different group and NOT a sub-set of the previously mentioned group:

We are presently working with a wide spectrum of companies including multinational tier-1 corporations which manufacture data communications network equipment. Several tier-1 manufacturers have also requested to meet and test our polymer modulators, while fiber optic transceiver companies have expressed interest in learning how to implement our polymer modulators into their ongoing 800G transceiver development programs

So, what it seems he is saying is that they are "working with" many companies that would include more than one tier-1 large equipment manufacturer - such as a Nokia or a RAD -- but he mentioned the fiber optic companies as have simply "expressed interest in learning".

We know that Nokia has done some plasmonic "work" with Lightwave materials, so WHO KNOWS what "working with" really means? Why doesn't he simply tell us what "working with" means?

That is a valid interpretation. Note too that in 2022 he referred to a transceiver "partner". Not so in 2023. Why not?

As I said I hadn't looked at the ASM or the filings when I posted last night. You mention that the ASM shows "transceiver outsourcing" as 2024 activity - well is that happening now or projected to happen during this year? Why not just tell us it is happening if it really is? Remember how he just wouldn't even answer your question about whether a demo had even been made yet? hmmm...

You suggested I reread the 10ks. So I just looked at the latest 10k and the word transceiver is mentioned 25 times. How many times did they mention having a partner or initiating some kind of working relationship with a transceiver company? Not once. (red just for you!)

I guess you could say I specialize in reading carefully what Dr Lebby writes and noticing what he does NOT say but would be expected to say if it were true. I'm just not seeing the evidence for what you would like to think is happening.
