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05/29/24 7:53 AM

#346456 RE: Poo28 #346451

The bashers are getting nervous ...

Lets go DBMM!!! 🎊
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05/29/24 9:15 AM

#346463 RE: Poo28 #346451

Poo, give it a rest!

No one cares about the same negative 9,000+ posts for a decade , always always wrong

My posts are full of factual information about DBMM, they are never wrong! Are you denying that DBMM:

1. Isn't deep in debt - to the tune of over $5.5M in loans and salary commitments? Because that is TRUE!
2. Doesn't borrow money EVERY QUARTER just to keep the business alive? Because THAT is TRUE!
3. Has not EVER produced a single penny of profit from business ops in its existence? Because THAT is TRUE!
4. Has made promise after promise that great things are right around the corner, yet NEVER PRODUCED RESULTS? Because THAT is TRUE!
5. Has made promises that it will expand into "UAE and Asia"? I don't see any expansion there and frankly; I am quite sure it will not ever be seen!

Why doesn't DBMM come out with detailed information about this "representation" in Irvine? You and Reggie grandly announced it over a month ago, yet not a WORD has been said since then! WHO is "representing" DBMM? What will this add to the revenue stream? WHY won't you say anything more about it? Has it fallen through ALREADY??? Did it ever REALLY even EXIST in the first place?? I don't think it did! I think it was a PR stunt, to bump up the share price as much as possible. But it was an abject failure!

A non-shareholder who does several of the same howling at the moon rants every day

Tell me you have a magic crystal ball??? How in the world would you know what ANYONE'S share holdings are???

You know nothing about the digital marketing business. You know nothing about digital marketing and how it is done. It is a sophisticated management consultancy.

A business is a business. Yes, the business of selling widgets is far different than the business of producing successful advertising and promotions of other businesses. But the end game is the same. You charge people for providing a service to them. You charge more than you spend while providing that service. You make a profit. You get MORE clients and do the same - make MORE profit.

DBMM isn't doing that and HAS NOT DONE THAT FOR TWENTY PLUS YEARS! DBMM is operating at a constant LOSS. DBMM has built up an accumulated deficit of EIGHTEEN MILLION DOLLARS in the last twenty years! It is being run by a moron and THAT is why it is a sub penny piece of crap company that NO ONE should consider investment in!!

Go opine about Boeing’s doors falling off or landing gear screwing up.

Boeing? This is the DBMM board! But you want to talk about Boeing? Fine. I'll say a few words about it. Yes, Boeing currently has its issues. But it has been a successful corporation for years, sucking in BILLIONS of DOLLARS in revenue, producing many of the products that the entire country relies upon, both commercially and militarily. The total historical revenue of DBMM likely wouldn't suffice to cover the coffee expenses for Boeing's employee break rooms!

Poo, your posts NEVER address any FACTS that are brought up on this board! In fact, you pointedly ignore those facts. The ONLY thing you do is attempt to belittle other posters efforts when they attempt to provide those facts. It is quite obvious.

Shareholders can SEE this. You are failing.
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uber darthium

05/29/24 9:52 AM

#346477 RE: Poo28 #346451

Hey Poo, did you know that the CEO of DBSCAM’em posts daily on this board under 1 or 2 separate aliases ? Oh wow, isn’t that something ?

It’s not too difficult to tell, just the usual daily same rantings utilizing information unknown to anyone but the CEO, but it does make interesting reading especially where the CEO promotes the idea of a short position to influence her stock price.

Such is the world of DBSCAM’em

Linduh says the joke is on her shareholders

This is our lovely CEO