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05/28/24 2:53 PM

#86369 RE: georgejjl #86368

How many billions of ICE vehicles have been produced versus a few million EVs? The articles point is that all automotive transportation is a hazard and doesnt specifically go after internal combustion or EV. I post on average 2-3 out of control EV accidents a week that actually make the news. If there were 100x more EVs on the road there could easily be more than 500x more accidents because more vehicles on the road the greater the chance of getting into an accident. Then you have to factor in that as more EVs hit the roads, they are more apt to drive through magnetic fields emanating from the surface and thus could suffer glitching. These accidents are less likely to happen in ICE, particularly less computerized ICE vehicles. Autonomous tech will never be safe because the tech depends on computers that are prone to glitching due to EM radiation.

ROCKS AND SOIL ELECTRIFIED BY THE SUPERSTORM: Across the USA on May 10th and 11th, sky watchers marveled at bright displays of aurora borealis during the biggest geomagnetic storm in decades. Little did they know, something was also happening underfoot.

Strong electrical currents were surging through rocks and soil. The biggest voltages along the US eastern seaboard and in the Midwest were as much as 10,000 times normal. A map from NOAA and the US Geological Survey shows some of the 'hot spots' during the early hours of May 11th:

Basically when the rocks and soil becomes electrified it creates magnetic fields. Those fields go upward from the surface electrifying ALL conductive materials passing overhead. Picture a Tesla driving by passing through one of these fields which happen to be just the right frequency; yes to cause these abnormal events circumstances have to be just right otherwise this would happen severely everytime there is/has recently been increased geomagnetic activity. Most of the time the passing Tesla does not experience anything or may experience some minor abnormalities in its computers leading to errors usually easily fixed by a soft reset.
That abnormal circumstance then causes induction event that leads to glitching in one or more of Teslas computers from its main computer down to its control units leading to sudden acceleration events and or veer events where the Tesla suddenly veers uncontrollably off the road into its favorite targets trees & powerpoles..sometimes buildings. Its a known phenomenon called Electromagnetic Interference and is believed by some researchers to cause SUA events in EVS (study below).
In addition to this, these surface based EM fields cause the underbelly of the Teslas to electrically conduct leading to enhanced rusting and i believe Teslas Whompy Wheel phenomenon caused by the Hutchison Effect. Hutchison Effect is not well understood in public realms but it can cause metals to experience various failures from fracturing to breaking to softening and even turning to dust; think of this like process of turning to dust as rusting at an extremely accelerated pace. This is why Teslas only a few days old can experience Whompy Wheel issue like what the star of Dinsey's live action Aladdin movie experienced 3 days after receiving his Tesla. According to Reuters this has happened to tens of thousands of Teslas. The study about EMI causing SUA in EVs is posted below along with most of the material i have showcasing Hutchison Effect and Teslas.

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The computer errors from outer space
(Elon Musk: Model S not a car but a ‘sophisticated computer on wheels’)

When computers go wrong, we tend to assume it's just some software hiccup, a bit of bad programming. But ionising radiation, including rays of protons blasted towards us by the sun, can also be the cause. These incidents, called single-event upsets, are rare and it can be impossible to be sure that cosmic rays were involved in a specific malfunction because they leave no trace behind them.

And yet they have been singled out as the possible culprits behind numerous extraordinary cases of computer failure. From a vote-counting machine that added thousands of non-existent votes to a candidate's tally, to a commercial airliner that suddenly dropped hundreds of feet mid-flight, injuring dozens of passengers

Plus, since giant ejections from the sun can sometimes send huge waves of particles towards Earth, what's called space weather, an unnerving prospect looms: we could see much more disruption to computers than we're used to during a massive geomagnetic storm in the future

With the rise of self-driving car technology, it's possible that computer systems on these vehicles could malfunction due to cosmic rays. What if, during an automated trip, imagery from a camera mounted at the front of the car became corrupted and the on-board computer failed to spot a person walking out in front of the vehicle?

However, the research is yet to be published and he says he's not allowed to reveal what the starting level of accuracy was during the experiments.

Such interventions could make self-driving cars of the future safer but they wouldn't eliminate the possibility of a cosmic ray causing other problems. And this raises an interesting conundrum for insurers.

"In a world of fully autonomous vehicles, how can you prove the accident happened because of cosmic rays?" says Rech. "That is very challenging. I mean, it's impossible, by definition." In ambiguous cases, disputes over whether a human or technology manufacturer – or space weather – was at fault might be difficult to resolve

Impossible to prove but can and does happen. Can even be emulated in a lab setting.