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05/24/24 12:21 PM

#693801 RE: biosectinvestor #693781

The way I see it, it' an easy decision to make. I think longs just have to ask themselves if they see a scenario where voting against would have a real benefit to them? And if the answer is "no", then I would vote the same way you did when we voted on it last time. If you are a newer investor that did not vote last time, then abstain. If you answered "yes", then vote against.

This isn't about the compensation package. We already voted for (as a majority anyway) the package and approved it. It wasn't an issue until we were sued and now being asked to ratify it...right? So don't be confused, it's not about whether-or-not management gets the shares (they will get theirs one-way or another). It's about fighting back against the scammer that bought 1,100 shares (or whatever small amount it was) so he could bring a lawsuit against us.

Doesn't really make sense to ruminate on the legalities and emotions and, and,and's.... It's a simple question for the shareholders, yes or no, pick your side. But it will be a distraction for everyone on here until June 29th. It's going to heat up to a rolling boil soon on here. The fudsters are going to spin all of the longs up with this topic, just watch. Ask yourself when they do, why they even care. They all will tell you they do not own any shares.

Looking forward to the 30th of June so we can put this topic in the rear-view.