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05/23/24 12:53 PM

#5610 RE: pitcook #5609

Great post. Everybody who has done their due diligence knows the potential here is enormous for $IVDN.


05/23/24 7:13 PM

#5611 RE: pitcook #5609

pitcook, you have good valid points here, what I am concerned about is how IVDN ‘s management will proceed from here on, will the CEO make the right decisions quickly enough or will it take too much time, thus leaving the door open for a newer and better product in becoming available before IVDN really gets rolling along. IVDN has been able to top some other Companies who have tremendous research resources and we know it will only be in time when the next newer better product becomes available. I personally hope that IVDN has learned valuable lessons in it’s past and that it is now and will continue to execute their business as needed in order to be able to grab a good share of the total building business in time.


05/23/24 11:28 PM

#5612 RE: pitcook #5609

Simply excellent post, Pitcook. Your contributions here are a genuine value to the real IVDN investors as you clearly understand and present the great potential for this stock be one of the rare Home Runs when all the pieces are put into place. And it is all coming together, even though we might have liked a little faster pace, as the company is currently on track for a record sales and revenue growth year in 2024.

Your point on the new Building Code Continuous Insulation requirements, which Insultex meets or exceeds, is a big bonus advantage that is also coming into play, starting just this year. IVDN management has made a point of mentioning this important issue in several recent announcements like the ones below:



05/26/24 9:50 AM

#5614 RE: pitcook #5609

Very well written Pitcook. You have sounded the story about the "potential" of Insultex very well. It is a story I have heard many times for the last 15 years. In the last 15 years, nobody has gotten too excited about the Insultex story either.

But you FAIL in the most important area of your wishful story. You post about "Now without pointing fingers or blaming blame" It is long past due that we point the fingers and place the blame.

We are where we are, 15 cents a share, less than 1/1000 of 1% market share because our CEO is incompetent, an idiot, egotistical, and a poor business man. On top of that Joe Riccelli is now an old man, in poor health who can not put in the time or has the energy to grow the company. He has not been able to attract investment, even at 3 nickles a share. Facts are facts.

Why do people still support Joe Riccelli? What is he holding over the BOD's heads to keep him in the CEO chair?

The big boys are not afraid of IVDN as we have no market share. By the time we can ramp up in the next 2-3 years, DuPont, Corning or KC will develop the "next new revolutionary" house wrap. Then the 250 IVDN shareholders will be left wondering what happened.

I would like to see IVDN on the auction block today. I will swap my shares for, lets say, DuPont. Imagine if DuPont bought us out and took the "New and Improved Tyvek2" to market. Then Insultex, rebranded as Tyvek2, will have millions of dollars in sales a week. Stay with our CEO we are going nowhere.

Once our CEO is fired, stock price goes up to a $1 instantly. There is up to 10 million dollars waiting on the sidelines to invest into IVDN. But not if Joe Riccelli is still CEO. That money will not be there much longer.

Pitcook, 18 years ago, I had this exact same DREAM. You learn about a revolutionary product nobody else knows about, a real ground floor opportunity. It is a great dream. Then reality sets in. The man who controls this product made one bad decision after another for the last 18 years. It is like a bad JOKE.

I hope you all realize your dream of getting RICH. My motivation is different now that I am an old man in my 70's, just like our CEO. Most of you are younger than me. I already did my 15 years living beachfront on the Caribbean, scuba diving daily. (A great period in my life). I would be very happy pulling $20-50K from my near worthless IVDN stock. I can buy a new RV or fishing boat for the lake I live on now.

I don't have much time left in my life. I will take that $2 a share happily and wish you all the best.

BTW, I can not reply to messages on IHUB