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05/21/24 12:20 PM

#111526 RE: maronti1 #111525

I think that is a very accurate assessment. Tried to have Mark sign something saying he would have myself and one other person paid by December 9th 2024 (21 months later than our original agreement and he would not sign. Integrity out the window. I think he wants to sabotage MIKP the best he can so he can reverse again after the reverse. I just do not trust the guy anymore.

Especially when

1, He announced reverse in October after he told shareholders it WAS NOT IN HIS
PLANS TO DO SO and then less then a month and a half later he announces a
2, He does not follow through with his filings 3 of them (actually 4) and then makes
the comment
3, He might reverse while we are on the expert market if FINRA approves before
the filings take place. That would mean he is
intentionally sabotaging MIKP.
3, He has been saying the reverse and merger would take place in 2023. Where
are we now.
4, I even suggested to him to be a man of integrity and do what he tells
shareholders he would do
meaning don't reverse until all shareholders are aboard and the share price is at
.002x like he said he would do which would give
him credibility among the shareholders and they would back him up 100 percent
but Marks excuse is well management suggest
this. Do not trust or even like the man since he did two things-
5, Did not stay up on his filings. And said a reverse was possible while on the
expert market. He isn't for shareholders but for Mark
Newbauer. I guarantee you with no shareholder on board IMO if they look at all
the BS behind Mark and his words verses his
actions that this WILL NEVER Make it to the next tier on the penny stocks (OTC)
let alone Nasdaq.

Wish I never helped the man. And he is always blaming someone other than
Mark Newbauer.

6, Finra sees all of this and now the SEC will most likely see this post of mine. today.

I told Mark the people he hangs around or hung around (Jim DiPrima and Brian Kistler he has become).

Everything I suggested to Mark would benefit Mark as he would have the shareholders behind him.

But as Mark said the only people that are concerned about the price of MIKP are the gamblers. No one else. That is the largest ass hole statement I have EVER heard in my life!

Let me say it before anyone else does. You have been Newbauer'd.

In closing I would like to say, Mark you have been SEC'd. Shop closed up if you do not clarify your words immediately. I do not think that FINRA or the SEC are laughing anymore with you Mark.