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05/14/24 12:58 PM

#459023 RE: Doc328 #459022

"LOL Is Missling now paying for "--and what's wrong with doing some "marketing"---it's done all the time !!!!!!
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05/14/24 1:07 PM

#459025 RE: Doc328 #459022

Biogen doesn't pay for articles. Instead, they pay money to the Alzheimer's Association, which in turn says nice things about their near worthless AD mabs.

The shorts don't pay for articles. Instead, they help arrange meritless lawsuits against Anavex, counting on the fact that the law firms filing those cases will fill the Anavex news feeds, day after day, with press releases trolling for plaintiffs.

Try not to clutch your pearls too tightly.
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05/14/24 1:09 PM

#459026 RE: Doc328 #459022

Doc328: Do you believe that the following is in general true or false???

Alzheimer's disease is easier to treat at the earliest stage possible. See the image below to understand why this is true.

The above is especially true if you are targeting upstream MOA with precision medicine.

The Anavex Blarcamesine Phase 2b/3 trial is for early stage Alzheimer's disease with baseline MMSE scores of 20 to 28 inclusive

Prevention of Alzheimer's disease via Blarcamesine or Anavex 3-71 would be the earliest stage possible.

Good luck and GOD bless
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05/14/24 1:42 PM

#459029 RE: Doc328 #459022

But, how come no warnings, here, for shorters?

Never invest in any stock featured on our site or emails unless you can afford to lose your entire investment.

Pretty good and standard text from the publisher’s legal people. Keeps the publisher out of court proceedings. “Sorry you lost so much when trying to follow the advice and information in our article. But, you should have read and followed the “Never invest....” text we posted.”

Taking equity positions (stock buys) in start-up biotechs that don’t yet have an approved drug nor any sales revenues present rather obvious value-loss jeopardies. A diligent equity investor needs to use only discretionary dollars that if lost won’t jeopardize his financial security. Lots of Anavex naysayers expound on this topic each day here.

But, is there an opposite, opposing hazard; which has never once been touched upon in any detail on this message board?

Anybody been warning holders of short AVXL positions that their jeopardies are potentially far more ominous than those who have purchased AVXL shares, which could devalue to $0.00. They would lose every penny they invested in their AVXL position.

But when things go bad for them, not so with holders of short positions of AVXL shares. In anticipation of the eventual devaluation of Anavex shares, holders (takers) of AVXL short positions have paid to temporarily borrow the ownership of AVXLs. When the stock price drops, the short seller buys it back at an even lower price and returns it back to the lender. The difference between the sell price and the buy price is the profit he makes.

But what if the stock shorter has it wrong and instead of the AVXL share price declining below the price he borrowed the stock, it, instead, begins a continuing, persisting price ascent? Right now, the AVXL share price is a bit above $4.00. What happens to the financial obligations to the holder of an AVXL short position when the price goes to, say, $10.00. Or, $20.00 ... and on up?

The shorter is obligated to “cover.” Short covering is the buying back of borrowed securities in order to close out an open short position. It requires the purchasing of the same security that was initially sold short, and handing back the shares initially borrowed for the short sale. Simply, the shorter’s obligation to cover, when his share prices have escalated, are limited only by the new, high price(s) of the stock he borrowed — typically far more than what he originally paid to borrow them.

Lots of good, well-meaning stock investment advisors post each day, here, telling the hazards of taking or holding an AVXL position. Thanks.

But, anyone spending any time to work up lucid postings on how, if Anavex succeeds, shorters could lose their financial shirts; far more than their original investments in their AVXL short positions?

Of course not. AVXL shorters and Anavex naysayers are of the same ilk. They KNOW. Anavex Life Sciences Corp is doomed to fail. Those who invested in AVXL positions will lose every dollar they used to buy AVXLs. But the shorts, smart guys they are, will clean up; walk away with hundreds of thousands of dollars of profit.

Let’s watch, to see how this all plays out.
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05/14/24 3:06 PM

#459032 RE: Doc328 #459022

It appears Anavex did not pay for the article, as, at the end of the article, it says: "Disclosure: Insider Financial and its owners do not have a position in the stocks posted and have posted this article for free without editorial input. A guest contributor wrote this article and solely reflects his opinions."

OTOH, the publication's disclaimer sure makes it sounds not-legit to me, particularly this sentence: "Our reports/releases are commercial advertisements and are for general information purposes ONLY."

I looked at just one of Sandburg's other pumped stocks, which I chose at random and because he had many articles about it*: $TOMDF. Yahoo finance shows its share price as $0.00. It announced insolvency a while back:

Regardless of what he says about Anavex (which on a quick skim seemed a good take on the bull thesis), I trust neither him nor the website.

I do wonder if the article is the reason for the price jump, or coordinated in some nefarious way with a stock trader, or just coincidental.

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05/14/24 4:08 PM

#459038 RE: Doc328 #459022

You should have read a bit further. Looks like that was mostly an article to generate interest in their newsletter.

Disclosure: Insider Financial and its owners do not have a position in the stocks posted and have posted this article for free without editorial input. A guest contributor wrote this article and solely reflects his opinions.

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05/14/24 4:25 PM

#459044 RE: Doc328 #459022

Cheaper than the normal Dog and Pony shows.
Plus Missling gets someone else to mimic his Schtick without accountability.

I may be long in a trade right now, but Anavex has more distance to go
than many are prepared for. Think Belmont stretch not Preakness.