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05/13/24 6:33 PM

#7861 RE: Tiger01 #7860

Thank You Tiger01 for taking the time to post about this topic.

With such a grand scale projected for the Artificial Intelligence (AI) data centers, and the energy requirements that these infrastructures demand, I agree it is inconceivable that these centers will reach their goal of being self-sustaining by using green renewable energy instead of putting a strain on the energy grid. Good call.

And as you state, those ‘renewables’ have little chance of being the backbone of our electrical generation. It will be many years before the renewables can be built up to handle this load requirement. And AI is not going to wait for it. This energy will need to be sourced by natural gas and coal. Unavoidable without citizens freezing in the dark.

We have now had about 50 years of this climate ‘panic’ and what has been gained? If we could eliminate all CO2 in the USA, it would make only a negligible difference to the climate. We can start by checking the amount of CO2 being emitted globally, not just in our zip codes.

Check emissions from China, India, Asia, Africa, etc. and compare that to the USA. And in 2023 ours declined by almost 2% while theirs increased. In fact, coal is still a big part of the electrical generation source in India and China, at 75 percent and 60 percent, respectively. In addition, China, India, and other SE Asian countries combined consume three-quarters of global coal demand. “Annual CO2 emissions by world region”….

Emerging economies cannot afford all the costs associated with wind or solar. So they are limited on what they can build. Basically, they boil water to make steam that spins the turbines to generate electricity. For the most part, they opt for the cheapest fuel to make the heat that boils the water. The majority of it is usually coal.

Why must the USA not be allowed this energy cost advantage? Is it only because ‘we can afford it’ and to ‘punish the oil companies’ that we must pay for the most expensive and least reliable forms of electricity generation? I would like a serious answer to this question. Not holding my breath.

Or is the goal here really to alter the USA standard of living and lower it in order to better align with that of other global societies? Yes, because that is the socialist way. Except for elites, all must suffer similar fates so there can be no envy or jealousy.

Only progressives would believe that 50 (or fewer) ‘protestors’ making public nuisances of themselves will be found to be appealing and attract support to their cause. Backfire!

Only one casual look at these protesters and their signs lets me know that they do not represent me (or you). And for the record, I love America, and Americans, and I will continue to do so. Those that do not share this opinion will find me unreceptive of their positions.

Regardless of progressives wishing and hoping, thinking and praying, planning and dreaming, it is very evident that oil, natural gas, coal, and also conservatives are here to stay. And will be around for the next generation too. Climate activism will likely be what becomes endangered or extinct. Watch for it. Like spec said, people are waking up.

A Special Acknowledgment of Thanks for you, Joe. It takes a really special someone to get all those sleepy eyes to open. It most likely could not have been done without you at the helm, leading the way and forcing the issues confronting the USA.

Moreover, Tiger01’s post from yesterday is the latest example of one of the many things I enjoy about this board. A post that has something important to say. A post that not only informs the reader, but one that hopefully inspires other informative discussions in the future.

The Artificial Intelligence mentioned in his post is something that is a topic of interest to me. In the near future, AI will have an impact on each of our lives similar to that of when the internet was introduced. Perhaps even more impactful.

I encourage all to begin trying to understand what AI, machine learning, data management, and data analytics is all about.

AI will be upon us sooner rather than later, and there will be no escaping or denying it’s presence. It will invade every facet of our daily lives and livelihood, so it is natural to feel an increased level of concern and uncertainty.

AI has the potential to takeover doing our jobs at some point, so it is understandable that we will be curious as to our future roles in an AI environment. We will all need to understand much more about it. Just know it is coming, and become more informed. For now, it is the best we can do.

I am certain there will be more opportunities to discuss this in the future. For now, no one can tell exactly who is going to be affected, or to what extent. Or if the effects will be mostly good, mostly bad, or benign. I am counting on it being ‘mostly good’, as seen through my rose colored lenses.

Bear in mind that oil and gas was one of the first industries to begin using AI to enhance their productivity. See link to this good article about AI used in energy, released on May 6th:

Mrs. Smith