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05/10/24 5:30 PM

#169446 RE: Dingbatt #169445

Your claim that "Everywhere you go these days they are putting Communist in charge of everything 1000's of them" comes across as extremely paranoid and detached from reality. Here's why:
First off, you provide zero specific examples or evidence to back up this wild allegation about thousands of Communists somehow seizing leadership roles across various organizations and institutions. Extraordinary claims like that require extraordinary proof, which you haven't supplied.
Secondly, blindly labeling people you disagree with as "Communists" is an overgeneralization and a common scare tactic, not a reasoned critique. Most mainstream political parties and leaders, even progressive ones, work within capitalist economic frameworks - not Soviet-style command economies.
While there are some fringe, self-described Communist groups out there, they have virtually no real power or ability to infiltrate and take over key leadership roles en masse like you claim. That's just not happening in reality.
Claims of a vast Communist conspiracy or infiltration are longstanding tropes not backed by facts. They were popularized during the Red Scare era despite lack of credible evidence then too. It sounds more like the rhetoric of the ideological fringes rather than a sober analysis.
In summary, Dingbat, your post reads as an extremely paranoid, hyperbolic rant making extreme accusations without any concrete facts to substantiate it. You'll need to provide actual proof before such an outlandish claim can be taken seriously. Let me know if you have any real evidence to share.

Do not reply with Soros or Gensler. I reject that notion preemptively, largely because that is an anti-semitic trope. BTW, the Dow is within a whisker of 40000.