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05/10/24 8:31 PM

#169450 RE: moe_the_gyp01 #169446

Moe since you are relatively up to date on History who killed Chi Caverra who killed Mosolini and who got Hitler in his bunker and who supplied tank to Saddam and who supports North Korea and what was Soros doing in the Ukraine and who paid for the Communist to retire in the Swiss Alps


05/10/24 8:36 PM

#169451 RE: moe_the_gyp01 #169446

And a few more for James Bond
Who decided to leave 2400 numbers in Tecrit and who left billions
Of Toys in Afghanistan for the children of Ben Ladden to play in a sand box was that the toy thief


05/10/24 8:38 PM

#169452 RE: moe_the_gyp01 #169446

Hummers not numbers that was google


05/10/24 8:46 PM

#169453 RE: moe_the_gyp01 #169446

Moe unfortunately a lot of those decision are certainly not Dingbatt decision they are the same decision that lead to Pole Pot the extermination of all the Cassacks the retirement of the Communist party and the extermination of LouisXVI genuine banker intelligence and that’s why they want Trumps head on a platter


05/11/24 9:08 AM

#169459 RE: moe_the_gyp01 #169446

Moe the fruits of the spirit
Love joy peace long suffering faithfulness meekness
Which once does Khomeni have and he came to Iran from France