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05/10/24 8:30 AM


Little bit of a conflict of interest? Lol... Conspiracy? Some fraud on top? I was just looking at that suit last night and was wonder, what the heck???

There is a lot of good ammo for lawsuits against these clowns. Probably much, much, more as well.

Discovery is going to be a real bitch for Jake and this attorney.


Buyer Beware
Pump and Dump



05/10/24 9:57 AM


I find things highly peculiar: 1). Would not the initial step be to report the threats to the FBI and additional law enforcement authorities and let them handle any subpoenas quietly rather than alert the alleged perpetrators and give them advance warning? Would not this be the logical, prudent, and effective method to handle this? It seems broadcasting it all over the internet is counterproductive to the stated goals. 2). I am not an attorney but if I go to court I always write my own court documents and then compare them with the attorney prior to filing so relevant material, legal points, or strategy are not missed. I would not go ahead and ask for these subpoenas if law enforcement did not find these threats credible in the first place. However, assuming I was going to take this additional step against my own better judgement, I always use exhibits prominently to support my court documents. I find it highly unusual there are no exhibits. My initial exhibits would have been reports to various law enforcement authorities. I then would have immediately followed with exhibits documenting and evidencing these alleged threats. Again, I have no legal "training" but that is how I handle things and how my thought process works. I do not even see any evidence of a sworn statement by anyone of these alleged threats.

Am I missing anything?
I look forward to anyone's thoughts, ideas, comments, or criticisms. Thank you.