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05/09/24 2:18 PM

#344995 RE: Poo28 #344993

By way of public company disclosure, participating companies are invited to attend an investor relations outreach series, and, as such, Digital Clarity was invoiced and paid in cash

If anyone doubted it... PROOF it was paid for!

Kind of like paying for an escort to an event and bragging about how hot your date is!



05/09/24 2:23 PM

#344998 RE: Poo28 #344993

WOW, all those words to say they accomplished nothing. Great job. LMMFAO hope those LTI's can recoup the money they spent on that worthless conference. DBMM LTI's must be complete idiots...


05/09/24 2:30 PM

#345001 RE: Poo28 #344993

I love this fable:

Our path forward is clear – to Uplist to OTCQB and seize the opportunities that await. Many brokers won’t allow trading unless a company is on the OTCQB, so there are manipulators who continue to try to prevent DBMM from meeting the criteria required.

What BS! They qualified for OTCQB last year and didn't even apply!

And blaming your share price on "manipulators"? C'mon Reggie.... YOU'RE SMARTER THAN THAT! And so is most of your audience!

I may have to reconsider my vote for you as CEO! Although, you may have been coerced to bring up that nonsense!



05/09/24 2:45 PM

#345006 RE: Poo28 #344993

REGGIE, WTF??? Its one thing to cry about bashers and such in company updates and maybe even filings, but bringing it up at a conference, and right of the bat, is completely amateur and quite disgusting.
You just gave everyone listening a deep insight as to how DBMM handles themselves in ridiculous situations nevermind what they may derrive as to how the company does business and takes negative feedback.

VERY disappointed in that move, quite childish really. Sounds lake a grade 2 spat.
Did anyone proofread this? Ugh.

Jimmy Joe

05/09/24 4:07 PM

#345032 RE: Poo28 #344993

Reggie James

Ask yourself why. Rumors and speculation are just that – rumors without basis. Tenuous old examples are constantly brought out by bashers, years old. These practices are legally frowned upon and as mentioned before, they get away with it until one day, they don’t.

As a shareholder I like that comment.

$DBMM baby~!