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05/09/24 2:33 PM

#86183 RE: boston745 #86182

Tesla Set to Autopilot Crashes Along I-80 in Clarion Township
Authorities say the crash happened around 11:35 p.m. on Sunday, May 5

Police say 32-year-old Vu H. Tran, of Cortland, Ohio, was traveling west in a 2023 Tesla Y that was set to autopilot.

According to police, Tran was distracted by his mobile device and lost control of the vehicle which exited the north berm.

The vehicle then traveled into an area with high vegetation as it came to final rest.

The vehicle sustained disabling damage to its front end and undercarriage, police say.

This is oddly worded given the Tesla was on Autopilot. It sounds like while Tran was distracted with his phone, Autopliot, for some reason, veered off road into the vegetation along the berm on the northside of the I-80. This is a common problem for Teslas even without autopilot enabled. Thus ive wondered if Autosteer function, which is enabled even when Autopilot is disabled, tries to course correct the Tesla thinking its on a different path than it actually is? When i say Autosteer function is always enabled, im referring to Teslas emergency lane departure avoidance system which is enabled by default every time a Tesla is turned on. This should be a subsystem of the Autosteer system.

Emergency Lane Departure Avoidance is activated automatically every time the car turns on and intervenes later (and less often) but more forcefully if the driver allows the car to approach a lane-line too closely or quickly without using a turn signal, or if the car's sensors detect an imminent collision. Drivers can also override this system or turn it off, but it resets as soon as the car restarts.

41. May 5th (41.181476, -79.316653)


The computer errors from outer space

When computers go wrong, we tend to assume it's just some software hiccup, a bit of bad programming. But ionising radiation, including rays of protons blasted towards us by the sun, can also be the cause. These incidents, called single-event upsets, are rare and it can be impossible to be sure that cosmic rays were involved in a specific malfunction because they leave no trace behind them.

And yet they have been singled out as the possible culprits behind numerous extraordinary cases of computer failure. From a vote-counting machine that added thousands of non-existent votes to a candidate's tally, to a commercial airliner that suddenly dropped hundreds of feet mid-flight, injuring dozens of passengers

Plus, since giant ejections from the sun can sometimes send huge waves of particles towards Earth, what's called space weather, an unnerving prospect looms: we could see much more disruption to computers than we're used to during a massive geomagnetic storm in the future


Tesla Drivers Have the Highest Crash Rate of Any Brand: Study
Tesla led all automakers with 23.54 crashes per 1,000 drivers in the past year.


Tesla suffers SUA and drives into a parking garage wall.

I'm begging all of you to NEVER get in a Tesla as long as you live. It started accelerating on its own in a parking garage and my dad lost all control of the car and we ran into a wall at 40 mph. Most horrifying experience of my life.


List of out of control Teslas for 2023 and link to 2022 out of control accidents as well.


Link explaining how Electromagnetic Interference is causing EVs to experience sudden unintended acceleration


Hutchison Effect & Teslas Whompy Wheel issue

Jain is one of tens of thousands of Tesla owners who have experienced premature failures of suspension or steering parts, according to a Reuters review of thousands of Tesla documents. The chronic failures, many in relatively new vehicles, date back at least seven years and stretch across Tesla’s model lineup and across the globe, from China to the United States to Europe, according to the records and interviews with more than 20 customers and nine former Tesla managers or service technicians.

The exact cause of the Hutchison Effect is unknown in public spheres as it is classified under national security. However the most likely culprit seems to be a combination of electromagnetic sources coming together in a way to change the makeup of metals leading to their rusting, softening, fracturing, complete breaking, even dustification. Keep in mind the degree of metal materials that are within our buildings and infrastructure...even in concrete. Maybe this is why we are seeing an increase in building and bridge collapses?