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05/03/24 10:57 AM

#423896 RE: rosemountbomber #423895

I remember way back when, just after Marine approval when Joe Z was touting more suitors than employees. But I think the idea of GIA (or an unreasonable expectation of a selling price) enamored JT to the point that he lost the focus of the primary directive.

The value to BP was Anchor. 10x Lovaza market. Well established, easily tested surrogate biomarker (trigs). A sales hook to convince to Dr's to switch from L to V right as L went generic... "Same great Trig reduction, no LDL-C increase!" Full regulatory exclusivity intact. This company's only purpose was to get Lovaza 2.0 developed, approved and sold off to a BP. He probably did have multiple offers in hand contingent on Anchor approval.

JT wasnt "enamored" by the thought of GIA. GIA is what you're forced to do when nobody wants to buy you so that's what he did. During most of JT's tenure, Amarin had nothing... a busted label and a half finished study everyone knew was just a rehash of Jelis. By time Reduce It came around, regulatory exclusivity was all but gone and there were already multiple ANDA's filed against the Marine label pending lawsuits putting the entire IP stack at risk. BP doesn't spend billions on a drug with 0 exclusivity.


05/03/24 11:54 AM

#423900 RE: rosemountbomber #423895

RMB. Conferences / symposiums are big for launching new drugs in the EU / UK
Usually attended by heads of depts or the top team and then if convinced , issue a directive once back at the hospital .

In the US this happens also ...related to my response to poster Chromosome ... Valtessa was approved but not being used for lowering serum K at my wife's Renal Dept.
I asked her why not . Her answer ...Boss hasn't approved yet .
Boss goes to a Kidney disease conference ..does a deep dive with the Valtessa team ...comes back and says OK start using Valtessa .
It was like a light being switched on.

The conferences / symposiums aren't driving Vazkepa uptake in the UK , Netherlands , Sweden and AMRN mgt needs to explain why that is