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05/02/24 9:42 AM

#688520 RE: Investor082 #688463

I understand some have certain expectations and I recognize that this indeed does happen. But no one can really say. It depends on a lot of factors. Predictions either way have mostly been wrong. When it hit $2.51 and stayed about $1.50 and $1.25, whiffs were sure it must go down immediately. Of course, what has hurt is the non-stop silence, and the normal context where a lot of people pile out pre-approval, just in case. It’s a common thing to see price go down in the run-up to an approval and then to take off.

As I said, you have potentially incredible results to publish in a journal like Nature. That will transform narratives. What does that mean? It means a lot more speculation on deals and buyouts. That transforms the hunger for the stock, especially one so undervalued.

But yeah, could pop and then go back down. Just about anything can happen in microcap land. If they literally had hens who laid golden eggs, probably there would be piles of skeptics trying to short and talk down the process, first saying no such thing existed, then claiming that they would upset the market price for gold and therefore it’s very bad thing.