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05/01/24 3:25 PM

#458038 RE: Steady_T #458025

Exactly! When Missling says Anavex trials and results are blinded, what he really means is that retail investors are being bamboozled into believing readouts are fine even when they are not. Then he keeps promising all sorts of stuff that doesn't happen, while calling it catalysts. After more that 5 years of that many still fall for it.


05/02/24 2:24 AM

#458083 RE: Steady_T #458025

I suggest you are using the term blinded in a way that is not its usual meaning.

Yes--I can see why that caused confusion. Let me try this again. It is my understanding that SAVA has disclosed that after the 12 months dosing in its Phase III RETHINK trial (and also for its 18 month REFOCUS trial), patients wanting to participate are continuing in an OLE phase. Those patients are being retested upon beginning the OLE to establish new baseline characteristics. By doing that SAVA is able to continue measuring the efficacy of Simufilam beyond the initial Phase III 12 month treatment period (18 months for the REFOCUS trial). Do we know whether or not AVXL is following that same approach in its OLE program following the Phase II/III trial? In other words, will AVXL have additional Blarcamesine efficacy data to report from its OLE patients? I surely hope so but it would be nice if that could be confirmed.