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05/01/24 5:21 PM

#86085 RE: boston745 #86075

The computer errors from outer space

With the rise of self-driving car technology, it's possible that computer systems on these vehicles could malfunction due to cosmic rays. What if, during an automated trip, imagery from a camera mounted at the front of the car became corrupted and the on-board computer failed to spot a person walking out in front of the vehicle?

However, the research is yet to be published and he says he's not allowed to reveal what the starting level of accuracy was during the experiments.

Such interventions could make self-driving cars of the future safer but they wouldn't eliminate the possibility of a cosmic ray causing other problems. And this raises an interesting conundrum for insurers.

"In a world of fully autonomous vehicles, how can you prove the accident happened because of cosmic rays?" says Rech. "That is very challenging. I mean, it's impossible, by definition." In ambiguous cases, disputes over whether a human or technology manufacturer – or space weather – was at fault might be difficult to resolve

Understand that EVs are just computers on wheels. So while Cosmic radiation/earth based radiation caused accidents are near impossible to prove, they can and do happen. Can even be emulated in a lab setting. THIS IS WHY SELF DRIVING VEHICLES WILL NEVER SAFELY REACH LEVEL 5! To make matters worse the earths magnetic field is weakening which will mean more solar/cosmic radiation will enter our planet as well as more EM radiation exposure from the earth leading to more computer errors. Incidentally its been claimed that SpaceX and other manufacturer satellite debris will accelerate this weakening process weakening as much as 50% over the remainder of the 21st century.


While most passenger vehicles older than about 15-20 years controlled the throttle with a cable connected directly from the throttle body to the accelerator pedal, most manufacturers have switched to a fly-by-wire system which takes sensor input from the accelerator pedal and sends that position information to the vehicle’s computer which in turn adjusts the throttle position. This might be slightly cheaper to manufacture, but introduces a much larger number of failure modes to a critical system.

[Colin] is recreating one of those failure modes by introducing an electromagnetic pulse at a specific point on the vehicle’s computer. In the real world, this could be caused by certain forms of EMF potentially including cosmic rays. This introduces a memory fault which the computer doesn’t seem capable of recognizing or clearing. With the right set of circumstances that [Colin] can reliably produce, the computer eventually will drive the throttle fully open, and the condition can only be corrected by power-cycling the vehicle’s computer.


Tesla Drivers Have the Highest Crash Rate of Any Brand: Study
Tesla led all automakers with 23.54 crashes per 1,000 drivers in the past year.


Tesla goes out of control hitting a hydrant and tree, burns its occupants alive as their friends try desperately to get them out.

It was learned that a speeding Tesla crashed into a fire hydrant at Macarthur Boulevard and Grant Lane Road in Tracy at 9.45pm on Friday night, then crashed into a tree and burst into flames.

Behind their car, their other friends were coming in another car, who tried hard to save their friends, but the car got locked and they could not do anything because of the flames.


Tesla suffers SUA and drives into a parking garage wall.

I'm begging all of you to NEVER get in a Tesla as long as you live. It started accelerating on its own in a parking garage and my dad lost all control of the car and we ran into a wall at 40 mph. Most horrifying experience of my life.


List of out of control Teslas for 2023 and link to 2022 out of control accidents as well.


Link explaining how Electromagnetic Interference is causing EVs to experience sudden unintended acceleration


Hutchison Effect & Teslas Whompy Wheel issue

Jain is one of tens of thousands of Tesla owners who have experienced premature failures of suspension or steering parts, according to a Reuters review of thousands of Tesla documents. The chronic failures, many in relatively new vehicles, date back at least seven years and stretch across Tesla’s model lineup and across the globe, from China to the United States to Europe, according to the records and interviews with more than 20 customers and nine former Tesla managers or service technicians.

The exact cause of the Hutchison Effect is unknown in public spheres as it is classified under national security. However the most likely culprit seems to be a combination of electromagnetic sources coming together in a way to change the makeup of metals leading to their rusting, softening, fracturing, complete breaking, even dustification. Keep in mind the degree of metal materials that are within our buildings and infrastructure...even in concrete. Maybe this is why we are seeing an increase in building and bridge collapses?