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04/29/24 8:25 AM

#2374 RE: Dj56 #2373

When all is said and done, its simply about the company your following and the investments you have made in it, you become dependent on the company itself. If they follow thru with all of their plans and forward looking statements then you hit your jack pot or you just make the profit as it comes and look for the next "supposed" big mover.

This company has for the years I have followed it always had big plans... and it has been hard pressed to hit any of their lofty goals. I honestly feel this time is different...simply because of Patrick being on of if not the main player here. His reputation far exceeds any concern for this to simply get this far and then fall apart


04/29/24 9:35 AM

#2376 RE: Dj56 #2373

Dj i feel have already hit it big with AFFU
I have bought as low as .0037 on 12/29 and it has gone as high as .0198 on 3/26 that is 5.4 times what i paid. I believe it will go much higher thsn that high. Surely it has been on an uptrend since that .0037 that i paid. But i did not sell at .0198 so i can’t take credit for such a huge profit.
The chart sure looks healthy to keep going up.
We cannot predict the high and lows before they happen.
One time around 1999/2000 i bought this stock EC** for about 90 cents a share and i felt really great about it and i didn’t trust myself to hold long enough so i bought it and i opened a non online account in Prudential Brokerage to buy more of it. The broker gave me a hard time telling me not to buy it and they all in the brokerage office laughed at me. I told them to buy the stock and we will see who laughs later. A month later the stock was $7
I walked into the brokerage and told them to sell and to close my account. Then i said who is laughing now. They were shocked! You know what a month later the stock hit $28 a share!
That was my feeling of a good run coming.

But the truth is you just never know for sure.
Just remember to know when to hold some and when to fold some. In other words you got to take some profits sometimes. That is what i did in that case.


04/29/24 9:55 AM

#2377 RE: Dj56 #2373

One of the things that leads you and others to ask a question like this one, where you wonder if something big is going to take place is our belief that what they have told us is 100% accurate

People can sit in front of a key board and type about how much patience's they have and will wait this out till the end... when in reality everyone is wondering is this the week, will we get news are the mergers going to happen, should I take my profit, what if it falls back below a penny... No one is in this to just break even and we all get antsy, in private, on here we put up a good front.

The quote below is from the PR put out on April 9, which means tomorrow it will have been 21 days since it was posted... now people are going to wonder is it happening this week , how long is a "Few Weeks" 14 days...nope did not happen.... 21 days (3 weeks) we shall see, but it if turns into 28 days or 4 weeks then people begin to have doubts. Because 4 weeks is a month and they should have said in a month or so, not a few weeks. So those doubts create sellers and more people typing of I will gladly take what your selling and blah blah blah... when in reality we all just want some positive news that everything is on track. We want something to verify the faith we have put in this by buying it and waiting for a big payday. There are a lot of people on the fence waiting for the answers as well... and when those answers come we could see a move upwards that is earth shattering. At least thats where I am on this.

"In addition, Affluence Corporation would like to provide an update on the acquisitions of Durham Black and Contrivian," said Honan. "All of the involved parties have mutually agreed to extend the due diligence period and extend the timeframe of the Letter of Intent agreements. We had successful and substantive meetings in Chicago last week with both companies, and we should have definitive merger documents for both companies within the next few weeks."


04/30/24 2:09 AM

#2391 RE: Dj56 #2373

LOSE* your fear of money no one wins every time... Nobody. So instead control it, so it can't bight you. Yes this can be done, it must* be done if you want to succeed. Hey BTW Welcome to AFFU!

There are fortunes* to be made in mergers, especially mega mergers like Affluence's quintuplets about to be born here. Millionaires, even multi-millionaires can evolve on rare ocassions, I've seen it. But all to often greed blinds the mind to all logic. Most definitely this is as true as you're reading this.

But to reap these life altering rewards you MUST understand. It's never about good >>fortune<< per se. Wealth isn't realized by luck. Successful traders fully understand this crucial and potentially marathon transgression. It's all about responsible, accountable, highly PROFESSIONAL management.

There are five different companies that acquired and/or excelled into larger companies to get to Affluence. Here's the risk in a word. Incongruities* can arise that can and must be resolved before a mega merger moves forward into mainstream finance. No risk = no reward. Any managerial indisgressions in this play will fall under at least five different microscopes. Ultimately they damage all merger participants without fail. As you just witnessed here today.

Lawyers must deliberate for there company's sake and still collaborate* amongst each other lawyers to resolve red flags or the deal is forced to postpone until mutual and UNANIMOUS resolution is achieved. Make more sense now? OK here's the tip which you've heard before but no less true. Before you read it ask yourself, did I read & understand this already, or was I simply too eager to see this merger make waves from many whales feasting on Affluence.

Read it twice please because you'll twig it's actually talking about AFFU`s problem to a tea! Previously discussed but likely before you bought. Now you've read this far though that pro tip you are looking for. We all have money requirements that said they all differ. So stick this universal rule in your trading diary with a leaf!

NEVER-EVER spend more on a stock than you're prepared to LOSE! Here's that straight forward DD. With it, plug this in to it's meaning... "OneMind NG"

Warning!  Limited Information

OTC Markets Group has confirmed that this company has limited disclosure or financial information publicly available, but meets a minimum requirement for public quoting under Rule 15c2-11. The Pink Limited Information tier may include companies that are delinquent in their filing obligations with the SEC, a foreign exchange or regulator, or under the Pink Disclosure Guidelines, as well as non-U.S. companies listed on a foreign exchange that does not require English disclosure and do not certify their compliance with SEC Rule 12g3-2(b).