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04/28/24 4:53 PM

#457814 RE: BAR123 #457811

I completely agree with you Chris. Any CEO would prefer to have their Annual Meeting after some good news, rather than when under fire for nothing new happening. On the Nasdaq a CEO probably doesn't have the freedom an OTC stock does, in NWBO's case they didn't have a meeting in 2023 after holding the meeting for 2022 on the last business day of the year, but I suspect that Missling can delay a couple months without a serious penalty. I believe if shareholders wish to force the issue 13 months after the last meeting they can sue, which will take time, but ultimately they can force the meeting, If I were Missling and I expected a Journal publication at any time, I'd wait until I had it unless I had something even bigger to announce, like actually filing for approval.

As for Missling's ability to be CEO, some will deem him a failure right up to the day the company gets it's first approval, then everyone becomes a hero. I believe that CEO's are given entirely too much credit, or blame for what most companies do. If they put together a good mix of the right people, it's all of them that are doing the job. Ultimately it's the science that determines if a product is really approvable, I don't know Missling at all, but I doubt if he contributed much to the science that's produced the company's products.

Sadly, in at least a few companies I've seen good science fail because companies tried to gain approval quickly by using pancreatic cancer as the target for products that worked far better against cancers that took much longer to kill. The company didn't have the funds to do the additional trials so the products were abandoned and the company went belly up. Missling has the company well positioned financially, now the science must prove worthy of approval, I believe that's happening.
