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04/29/24 5:09 PM

#1267 RE: bigworld #1262

Bigworld, We know that a key objective is to keep the public perpetually divided and squabbling among ourselves (Red / Blue), and they've done a great job on that front. Another social control method is to maintain an ongoing atmosphere of fear and confusion. These protests and riots have been appearing like clockwork ~ 6 months before every Presidential election.

What needs to happen is for the public to come together and become united, with Red and Blue coming to realize that they are being played against each other. The public has a lot more in common with each other than we do with the would-be overlords (globalist schemers and finance ghouls).

>>> Divide and Rule policy (Latin: divide et impera), or divide and conquer, in politics and sociology is gaining and maintaining power divisively. This includes the exploitation of existing divisions within a political group by its political opponents, and also the deliberate creation or strengthening of such divisions.

- Creating or encouraging divisions among the subjects to prevent alliances that could challenge the sovereign and distributing forces so that they overpower each other.

- Fostering distrust and enmity

