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04/28/24 9:47 AM

#188665 RE: Lewrock #188660

Well, if I were a company that wanted an exclusive contract to dominate the industry and I had a trillion dollar valuation, and I was told no, that is not our vision, we want to sell it to everyone. I 100% know what I'd do.

The shareholders' meeting is 1 month away. Wouldn't it be cool to do a "non-binding" vote on an "other issues as they may arise item"?

In the end, the board of directors has a fiduciary responsibility to do what is right for the shareholders.

$1,000,000,000,000 is a trillion
$1,000,000,000 is a billion or to put it another way

If you had a valuation of $100,000 and had to make a decision on a $100 investment in your business. OK, let's say 2 billion, so that is $200.

How about if we just sell off rights or JV a single vertical?

We are in the right space.

I worked for a company where 1 entity put in an offer. A few weeks later, another entity came forward with a better offer. In the end, they both bought us out. Twas fun to be part of.

There are endless possibilities of selling, partnering, etc.

Nice days are coming up, so Im off to the beach to check out the 2024 swimwear.