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04/27/24 11:51 AM

#1259 RE: bigworld #1256

Bigworld, Yes, the rest of the year looks unpredictable to say the least. Fwiw, I decided to switch the stock allocation away from the individual stock side, and will just use the S+P 500 exclusively. I figure this will allow for a 'fast exit' if needed.

Btw, on the political front, have you noticed that Jamie Dimon is suddenly all over the news? It appears they may be positioning him as an eventual replacement for Biden (?) Just a guess, but looks like something is up.

Beyond the usual Rep vrs Dem stuff, it's obvious there is a growing rift within the ruling elite factions, with the Neocon wing increasingly at odds with the traditional Trilaterals / Bilderberg side. The Neocon faction desperately want the 'US bombs Iran' scenario, since Iran is on the cusp of getting a nuclear weapon. Meanwhile the Trilaterals (Biden & Co) are adamantly opposed to 'US bombs Iran', and instead are focused on using the Ukraine war to wear down Russia.

So there is an 'internecine' struggle going on within these policy factions, and the outcome of the US election will determine which side wins. Therefore the possibility exists for some desperate measures by these factions in the months ahead. The Neocon side needs the Reps back in so the 'US bombs Iran' can happen, while the Trilateral / Bilderberg side wants Biden / Dems to remain in power. Since they (Trilaterals) have the ability to fix a close election, the Neocon side might have to resort to other means out of desperation. For them the bottom line is existential -- ie that Iran must not get nuclear weapons, and this overrides all other considerations.

Anyway, let's hope sanity prevails, and the most extreme scenarios don't happen. Having lived through the JFK / RFK / MLK period, we definitely don't want a repeat of 1963 / 1968.
