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04/20/24 9:44 AM

#12590 RE: timberwolf7 #12588

The one you posted earlier is fabricated garbage..........

or all the major news sources , the FBI, NYPD and the guy who lit himself on fire are all wrong.


04/20/24 10:56 AM

#12597 RE: timberwolf7 #12588

LOL, have YOU ever bothered to fact check the laughably inaccurate Gateway Pundit? Never mind, someone else has. Now what exactly is YOUR need such that you fall so easily for Questionable Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Nationalism, Some Fake News, Numerous Failed Fact Checks

The Gateway Pundit – Bias and Credibility

Detailed Report
Questionable Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Nationalism, Some Fake News, Numerous Failed Fact Checks
Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

The Gateway Pundit publishes extremely right-biased news and commentary that promotes conspiracy theories and the routine publication of falsehoods (see analysis). The website was founded by Jim Hoft in 2004 to “speak the truth” and to “expose the wickedness of the left.”

According to their about page, “The Gateway Pundit is one of the top political websites. It is consistently ranked as one of the top political blogs in the nation. TGP has been cited by Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, The Blaze, Mark Levin, FOX Nation, and several international news organizations.”

On 6/6/2021, The Gateway Pundit was moved to Very-Low factual reporting based on failed facts on a near-daily basis.

On 6/20/2021, The Gateway Pundit wrote a negative article about Media Bias Fact Check – Bogus Fact-Check Site Used by Google Lists All Conservative Outlets as “Low Credibility” – But Lists All Far Left and Liberal Mainstream Outlets as High Credibility. As usual this is full of misinformation. First, we have numerous left-biased sources listed as questionable and low credibility. Further, as far as we know we are not used by Google.

On 12/2/2021, it was announced that two election workers in Georgia are suing The Gateway Pundit for conducting “a campaign of lies” that “instigated a deluge of intimidation, harassment, and threats that has forced them to change their phone numbers, delete their online accounts, and fear for their physical safety.”

Analysis / Bias

In review, The Gateway Pundit demonstrates extreme right-wing bias in story selection that always favors the right and denigrates the left. There is significant use of loaded emotional language in headlines such as this: President Trump RIPS INTO Peter Strzok After He’s Fired – Calls For Hillary ‘Sham Investigation’ to be ‘Properly Redone.’

The Gateway Pundit is also fiercely dedicated to the promotion of Donald Trump. TGP always sources their information but sometimes utilizes questionable sources such as Breitbart and Mike Cernovich, who have terrible track records with fact-checkers.

The Gateway Pundit has published numerous false or conspiracy stories such as Hillary Clinton having a seizure, identifying an innocent person in the Las Vegas mass shooting, and identifying the wrong person after the motor vehicle homicide at the White Supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Further, TGP claimed the “FBI received tips well in advance of the Florida school shooting and decided, for whatever reason, not to act.” Finally, based on publishing false information, TGP has faced lawsuits for defamation and damages to innocent individuals. In general, The Gateway Pundit holds extreme right viewpoints and publishes false or misleading information on a near-daily basis.

According to Open Feedback The Gateway Pundit frequently makes false and misleading claims regarding science. This indicates a heavy promotion of pseudoscience especially as it relates to Covid-19 and vaccines.

Failed Fact Checks (Here are a select few out of dozens.) (Live links at the site.)

Anti-Trump Protesters Bused Into Austin, Chicago – FALSE
Did a Woman Say the Washington Post Offered Her $1,000 to Accuse Roy Moore of Sexual Abuse? – FALSE
‘Spooked’ Clinton Campaign Manager Deleted Tweets – FALSE
Fake news posts blame Puerto Rico’s truck drivers for refusing to ship relief supplies – PANTS ON FIRE
Did the World Health Organization’s director-general overstate the COVID-19 fatality rate when he said that it was often that of the seasonal flu? – FALSE
Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news. (10/4/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 08/05/2022)



04/20/24 12:38 PM

#12614 RE: timberwolf7 #12588

have YOU ever proven an article on The Gateway Pundit was false??

The Gateway Pundit has published numerous false or conspiracy stories such as Hillary Clinton having a seizure, identifying an innocent person in the Las Vegas mass shooting, and identifying the wrong person after the motor vehicle homicide at the White Supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Further, TGP claimed the “FBI received tips well in advance of the Florida school shooting and decided, for whatever reason, not to act.”

Shortly after the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, in which a person drove a vehicle into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing one, The Gateway Pundit falsely identified a young man from Michigan as the driver.[69] After the misidentification took place, the family went into hiding after receiving several death threats.[70][71] Together with his father, the Michigan man filed a defamation lawsuit against the publication and other related parties.[69]

In October 2017, The Gateway Pundit published an article falsely implicating an innocent person as the shooter in the 2017 Las Vegas shooting. The article was promoted by Google as a "top story" for searches for his name.[72] The Gateway Pundit asserted that New York Times reporter Rukmini Callimachi had reported that ISIS may have evidence that it was behind the shooting, but Callimachi denied that she had ever made such an assertion.[73]

The Gateway Pundit promoted conspiracy theories about the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.[74] In February 2018, The Gateway Pundit published an article erroneously stating that school shooter Nikolas Cruz was a registered Democrat, citing a registered Broward County voter with a similar name.

In July 2018, The Gateway Pundit falsely claimed that a man arrested with bomb-making equipment and illegal weapons had been a "leftist antifa terrorist". The individual in question was however a conservative whose Facebook profile was littered with pro-Second Amendment memes.[79]

In August 2018, The Gateway Pundit falsely identified a Reddit user as the perpetrator of the Jacksonville Landing shooting.[80][63]

In November 2020, The Gateway Pundit erroneously stated that a software glitch during the 2020 United States presidential election led to 10,000 votes in Rock County, Wisconsin, being "moved" from incumbent president Donald Trump to his opponent, Joe Biden; the article was then promoted by Eric Trump, President Trump's son and executive vice president of the Trump Organization as part of Donald Trump's attempts to overturn the 2020 United States presidential election. The article was disputed by the Associated Press, which stated that the supposed discrepancy was caused by a technical error in AP's reporting of results obtained from Rock County's election website, an error that was resolved within minutes and did not pertain to the counting of actual ballots. Rock County clerk Lisa Tollefson stated that The Gateway Pundit reported incorrect information, and that the county stood by the final tally. The Wisconsin Elections Commission later added: "The AP's error in no way reflects any problem with how Rock County counted or posted unofficial results. The WEC has confirmed with Rock County that their unofficial results reporting was always accurate. ... These errors have nothing to do with Wisconsin's official results, which are triple checked at the municipal, county and state levels before they are certified."[81][82][83]

In December 2020, The Gateway Pundit falsely claimed that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's brother "Ron" worked for a Chinese tech firm. Raffensperger's brother's name was not Ron and he did not work for a Chinese company.[84] In the same month, The Gateway Pundit was named as one of the defendants in a defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems executive Eric Coomer.[85] Coomer asserted that the defendants had characterized him as a "traitor" and that as a result he was subjected to "multiple credible death threats".[86][85][87] In May 2022, a Colorado district court judge rejected a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, writing that The Gateway Pundit's allegations "incited threats of real violence against Coomer, including posting an article advertising a million-dollar bounty on Coomer."[88]

Days after the results of the 2021 Maricopa County presidential ballot audit were released, The Gateway Pundit published an altered version of the auditors' report which falsely stated, "the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable." The Gateway Pundit wrote that it acquired the altered document from "Byrne". Patrick Byrne, a staunch Trump supporter, was a major promoter of and donor to the Maricopa County audit. Byrne denied he was the source of the document.[89]

In October 2021, The Gateway Pundit used a study by the Poor People's Campaign to falsely claim that Democrats had used low-income voters to steal the election; the study had found that about 35% of the 2020 presidential electorate had household incomes below $50,000. PolitiFact rated the claim "Pants on Fire", finding that The Gateway Pundit had conflated voter outreach with voter fraud.[90]

In December 2017, The Gateway Pundit published a Reddit post as evidence that Democratic activists were committing voter fraud in the 2017 Alabama Senate special election.[98] The redditor behind the post later said that the post was intended "as an obvious troll".[98] When asked by The Washington Post, the writer of the Gateway Pundit post declined to say whether he had contacted the redditor to verify the information; later the Gateway Pundit story contained an update at the bottom: "Liberals say these are fake Reddit posts(?) Regardless, the posts are still up on Reddit and the posters are still encouraging Democrats to cheat."[98] Also in December 2017, The Gateway Pundit published a story falsely saying that Facebook had taken down a previous Gateway Pundit story about the Alabama election, when in fact a Facebook algorithm had made it less prevalent after it had been flagged as fake news.[99]

In April 2018, The Gateway Pundit falsely claimed in a headline that two prominent African-American conservative video bloggers – Diamond and Silk – had been censored by Facebook.[100]

In July 2018, The Gateway Pundit falsely claimed that then-senator Kamala Harris had lied about her school's integration history.[101] The article was cited by radio host Larry Elder and others in June 2019 after Harris confronted then-presidential candidate Joe Biden over his opposition to busing during the first Democratic presidential debate.[102]

In September 2018, after psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford alleged that U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her in the 1980s when they were teenagers, The Gateway Pundit published an article erroneously claiming that Kavanaugh's mother, a district court judge in Maryland, had once ruled in a foreclosure case against Dr. Ford's parents, creating what The Gateway Pundit called "bad blood" between the two families.[103] In an update, The Gateway Pundit noted, "CBS News reports the case was settled amicably and the Blaseys kept their house."[103]

On October 30, 2018, NBC News and The Atlantic published articles detailing a scheme to falsely accuse Robert Mueller of sexual misconduct in 1974. The articles reported involvement by Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl, the latter a writer for The Gateway Pundit. Hours after these reports, The Gateway Pundit published on its site "exclusive documents" about a "very credible witness" to support the accusations against Mueller. Each document had in its header the phrase "International Private Intelligence", the business slogan of Surefire Intelligence, a firm created by Wohl. The site removed the documents later that day, stating they were investigating the matter, as well as "serious allegations against Jacob Wohl".[59] The following day, The Gateway Pundit's owner Jim Hoft retweeted Wohl's comment suggesting Mueller's office was actually behind the scheme. Mueller's office had days earlier referred the scheme to the FBI. Burkman and Wohl convened a press conference outside Washington on November 1, ostensibly to present a woman who they said signed an affidavit, which Gateway Pundit had published, accusing Mueller of raping her in a New York hotel room in 2010 – on a date he was contemporaneously reported by The Washington Post to be serving jury duty in Washington.[104] The men accused Mueller's office of "leaking" the eight year-old Post story to discredit their allegations. The purported accuser, a Carolyne Cass, did not appear at the press conference, with the men asserting she had panicked in fear of her life and taken a flight to another location. Soon after the press conference, Hoft announced that The Gateway Pundit had "suspended [their] relationship" with Wohl.[105][106][107][108]