OneMind is neither public or private... they are a wholly owned subsidiary of Affluence.... so in a sense they are public, but its kind kind of like asking is Chevrolet public or private... Chevy is a subsidiary of General Motors, and General Motors is public...
If all of this goes through then this is what Affluence will look like no matter who is the leader of it.
1. Affluence
2. OneMindNG
3. Durham Black - Pending
4 Contriviean - Pending
5 Unknown acquisition #1 - Pending
6 Unknown acquisition #2 - Pending
7 Unknown acquisition #3 - Pending...
Based on that I think that eventually when all of the dust settles they will label Affluence ( or what ever its new name may be ) as a Holding Company... and that will change their tax structure, but nothing will effect shareholders.