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04/16/24 1:32 PM

#15535 RE: gail #15534

Last Night's Show

Now the top 10 get through by America, the next 4 by the judges. All 20 had to sing, although I have to honest wasn't much of a grader on these, because either they were singing through, i made it, hence this performance doesn't matter that much, or I didn't make it, and I'm not feeling that great right now. So I watched performances, but some of them sang songs, they allready sung. And quite frankly as a whole the performances weren't great but to be fair given the conditions I stated earlier, your not gonna get the best results out of anyone at that point, with basic human nature in my opinion.

Since It was a top 10 (My Top 10 would of been) (No Particular order)
1) Triston
2) Odell
3) Kayko
4) Jordan
5) Quintavious
6) Jayna
7) Abi
8) Will
9) Mckennah
10) Julie

The top 10 America set through
1) Mckennah-agreed
2) Jack- Funny face guy would of made my top 14, but not my top 10.
3) Mia-Wouldn't of made the top 14 let alone the top 10. She is not very good alot of times don't get what America is seeing there.
4) Kayko- agreed
5) Will-agreed
6) Abby- agreed
7) Kaibrienne- Ms. Stop and Start, obviously wouldn't be part of my top 10 or top 14. America clearly disagreed here. I thought what she did in that song, should of been automatically eliminated you forget a bunch of word or you come to a screeching halt and just sit there for a few seconds multiple times. You in my opinion should not make it through. The funny thing is she actually sounded her best with the performance tonight, after getting the news she went through. Is it because she wasn't singing a original song (Cover) Let her perform better, or is it that she didn't have the pressure since she knew she was in, hence all of a sudden she had better control of the emotions. Time will tell.
8) Emmy- Would of made my top 14, but not my top 10.
9) Julie- agreed
10) Triston- agreed

The other 10 sing, as I said I personally didn't put much stock into last night's performance, so I would of made my top 4 picks based on how I feel about the contestants overall.

Too be fair I would of taken
1) Odell
2) Jayna
3) Jordan
4) To be honest could of been 2 to 4 people for that last spot so was kind of indifferent.

The Judges took
1) Jayna-Absolutely Agreed
2) Jordan-Absolutely Agreed
3) Nya- Judges love her, all I hear is a bunch of pitch issues with a bit of screaming most times she goes out there for me. Wouldn't of been my choice.
4) Roman- Judges loved him last night. I thought it was more of the same. Over the top, and manic. I would of passed on him as well, but the judges loved it.

So the top 14 turned out to be.
1) Mckennah
2) Jack
3) Mia
4) Kayko
5) Will
6) Abby
7) Kaibrienne
8) Emmy
9) Julie
10) Triston
11) Jayna
12) Jordan
13) Nya
14) Roman

Anyways well hope you feel better. That is my take. Most of the performances as whole last night weren't that great. But you couldn't expect them to be. Either they are excited and going through the motions, or disappointed/nervous they didn't get through. All is just my opinion, and I could always be wrong though.