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04/04/24 2:22 PM

#186109 RE: Reanimator #186107

I don't think you are short, I think that you are employed by a short. Nobody creates a new ID, states that they have been following this for a long time and not understand that Goo refers to an EO Polymer mixed with solvent and applied to Silicon Photonics, it is what they do. Thats like saying that you've followed Goodyear for years and not know what a tire is. You claim to have bought a few shares and then post negative things hundreds of times, over a few years, just does not make sense. You do not post anywhere else but here, walks like duck and craps like a duck. A short Duck with no quackers.

You guys need to get on the stick, boss man needs to execute a few shorts because the volume is too low for the accumulation orders that still meed to execute get filled.

X. Just looked, only up 3 cents now, the problem is that it is 2:30 but only 200k shares traded.

NVDA is red for the day now, yawn


04/04/24 2:36 PM

#186110 RE: Reanimator #186107

Reanimator, did you notice how upset StevenDice got earlier today when I asked you to provide a reason for being here? He spazzed out.
He knows the reasoning is so preposterous that answering does more harm than good. People like Dice, TP, Jpter, use people like you and vein to propagate their FUD. Oh, and AdamN too.

Most of us would never in a million years be on message boards for the reasons you state, so again, I have to say your explanation doesn't hold any water.

I'm a 11 year long investor, (significant for me), and hope LWLG becomes ubiquitous, and the PPS rises to $1000. Not sure if LWLG is working with Google, or Facebook, or INTEL, or Amazon, or McDonalds, but I hope they are. There, that was easy.

Why can't you guys state your agenda here? I don't remember a single short ever admitting it.
Love for one to just say, "Hey guys, I'm short....I think the company stinks and hope the price goes to zero"
No respect for them or the disgruntled shareholders that are too stupid to pay attention.


04/04/24 2:46 PM

#186111 RE: Reanimator #186107

reanimator-It is my hope that I can bring some people to the side of reason and rationality rather than magical thinking and make believe, but that might be a pipe dream
It is compassionate people like you that use their valuable time to help humanity and one day you may be made a saint and worshipped. There is a special place for people like you.